islenska 06.07.06 ______Here Comes MICKEY`!
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Somehow it just struck me that the year is coming to an end
As much as I am anticipating the new year, I really don't want 2008 to end
Its been such an eventful year, with all its ups and downs, joy and griefs.
New friends made, great times spent, and of course, the yearly series of unfortunate events.
Somehow, everything always resolves itself by the end of the year.
Miraculous, really.
As much as I have a habit of getting myself in the deepest of shits, I always manage to get out of it pretty much clean.
I'm praying and hoping that the year ahead will be nothing like what this year has been.
I could do with more of the fun and laughter, but I certainly have no need for the suay stuff tt finds its way to me.
Cheers to a better new year!

(just realised tt this colour clashes with everything else, but who cares)

Squeaks` @* 11:18 PM

Monday, December 29, 2008

Band Prac Band Prac

Individuals today was ..... quite okay. I mean, i suppose I could have done much more, but its still better than nothing. =)

Lunch was at prince =( cos golden rooster was too crowded. Anyway, had a nice chat with yiyi about christianity and stuff. Glad to see tt someone shares my opinions on these issues =D

Band prac was abit dull, which resulted in me slacking in the sectionals room with the high school horns. Jiayou for Machu Picchu guys!!! If you need help just ask! Our Hymn sounds decent lah. With a few more months to spare, i'm sure we can do a great job! Just to be on the safe side, I've brought home my scores to start memorising. Certainly beats writing all the stupid flats and sharps on the scores.

lastly, i have decided not to be crazy and go jogging at night again tonite. Partly because I've just drunk half a carton of milk and i really dont want it to come spurting out.

I think we should really start learning how to cherish everything around us, be it things, people or relations. Very often we find ourselves thinking back upon the past and wondering why we did this that thing that was so stupid. Even more often, we start regreting only after its too late. Treasure what you have, because once its gone, it won't come back. After all, we only live once. Don't live with regrests.

Squeaks` @* 10:32 PM

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Great day

Yesterday's band prac wasnt very fulfilling. Did abit of the set piece, then repeated the same part of Hymn over and over and over again. Didnt really do much, but it wasnt exactly boring either. Nutcase is back!!! yay! super long never hear her play liao. actually im quite surprised she can still play lor. Impressive!! Oh, but Cheeshan was sick =( so she wasnt here, which means she didnt get her christmas card!!! Gave out the rest of the cards to the section. Really wonder where amanda is. havent seen her at band pracs for super long.

Lunch at curry wok, and then it was off to the party! reached three hours early i think. Was intending to go get some sleep first, cos i was so frigging tired from waking up at 8. But then i decided that reading 8 days would be more worth my time.

The whole thing started around 7, but everyone who was bringing food came at abt 5+. The food was good, chicken, turkey, ham, prawn, crabs, curry, and all the other stuff. Ate quite alot, which is why im going swimming later. Went off to play with Eugene after dinner! he's sooo cute!! And he's my friend now=) Poor Ryan injured his leg, so he's limping around like the tao-jie in 小娘惹。Haha, we kept niaoing him about that until he turned abit sad. awww...

The games started abt 8+. Actually it was our turn to think of games this year, cos all our older cousins were sick of planning all the stuff every year. But my "second generation" ppl were a big bunch of slackers, so we ended up pushing the responsibility back to them =p Apparantly the "first gen" ppl are all going overseas next christmas, so we're going to have to do everything ourselves =(

First game was quite easy. there were a series of pictures taken of things in the living room, and we had to find out what they were. And because the pictures were extremely zoomed in, most of them didnt look like what they were. The person who found it would have to randomly pick out a forfeit (which involved another person), and carry out tt forfeit with him/her. Then the two of them would be able to get a present from the tree. There was totally chaos as everyone walked around trying to find the objects, but Eugene and I managed to find the object in the second picture, which was one of the wall decorations. =D Forgot what the penalty was, but we managed to get Eugene's first present of the day! Yay!!

Haha, my little cousin immediately went into the room and started ripping the wrapper apart. The present was some toy thingy tt you can fix together to form different things. Cant really describe it, but the two of us tried to fix it in the room while the rest of the ppl played outside. From what i heard, the penalties were really stupid, like plucking 5 hairs from the tallest person (mingren) and somehow, i got involved in a really lame penalty, which involved my cousin smacking my ass >(

Second game was pretty original. Ten ppl had to out their hands on a piece of mahjong paper on a table, and the last person to remove his hand wins! Abit similar to the "put your hands on the car" thingy tt u see on the news, but it was much more fun. The penalty for each person who removed his hand was to eat a bowl of leftovers. In order to further test our resolve, all those who were not playing started putting weird stuff on our hands, including flour, all the turkey sauces, chilli, scraps of paper, ice, and even an egg for Eugene! It was really freaking gross, and the smell of all these weird sauces made quite a few ppl quit. Those who remained until the end, including me =) , got another present, so yay!!

After that was logcake time !!! Cake was quite nice, and so was the champange. I drank 3 different types of champange altogether, including a bottle which cost $200++. Traditionally there was supposed to be a Spray Champange Ceremony, where all the crazy adults would arm themselves with champange and start randomly popping them and spraying everyone around. This year, owing to the economic crisis, as well as the presence of $2xx per bottle champange, nobody dared to try this crazy thing.

However, they very quickly overcome this small problem by substituting champange with water! Much more economical, and this way everyone got to drink more champange =)
It started off with innocent ppl sitting on the sofa (the rules change every year, last year's rule was no wetting the sofa), and after that it got increasingly wilder. From small cups of water, ppl started getting out basins, small buckets and eventually even the big pails came out!! The adults and some of my older cousins were the ones doing most of the splashing, but from my vantage point, it was super funny, seeing everyone splash everyone else. Everywhere you see there were ppl holding buckets of water, ppl getting backstabbed, sabo-ed, or caught off guard. absolutely hilarious

After most of the adults got wet they decided to change the rules abit. Now they started aiming everyone else who was dry, meaning all of has had to start looking for places to hide. I was keeping a very low profile on a sofa beside my cousin-in-law, and managed to remain relatively dry even while everyone was getting wild all around me. I even cleverly went to the other side of the living room when they decided to gank my cousin-in-law. But all it took was a moment of lapse in concentration for me to get cornered against the door, and even dodging couldnt prevent me from getting splashed good and proper.

The highlight of the event was without a doubt one of my cousin's failed attempt to splash another cousin. He had been camping in the kitchen with a pail of ice-cold water from the champange box, waiting for the right moment to strike. Only he hadnt accounted for the wet living room floor. As he chionged out of the kitchen with his pail ready, he slipped on the floor, skidded the length of the living room and collided against the wall and ended up emptying half the pail's water on himself!! hahahaa!! Unfortunately for him, my grandma was standing next to his intended target, and she got wet as well!!! She got quite angry with him, but none of the rest of us really cared, we were too busy laughing at the failed attempt. I guess that's what they call retribution!!

At the end of the day, everyone went home wet, except for my cousin's boyfriend, whom she brought over for christmas. throughout the entire ordeal he was standing outside the door, didnt even dare to come in!! Must be quite a frightening experience for him i guess, bet he didnt envision this type of scenario when she invited him over for "christmas celebration"!!

Well, it certainly was fun, and I cant wait for next year. My mum's already sworn revenge on the people who splashed her, namely my oldest cousin and my aunt. Oh, and defintely Eugene too. He was so incredibly happy when he saw her getting splashed he couldnt stop laughing!

Oh, and i got a mini-safe thingy and a box of towels for christmas!! haha, not really very zai presents, but last night was worth more than any present ever!

Squeaks` @* 1:26 PM

It was super fun, but i'm damn tired now, so im going to crash for the nite. updates tml

Squeaks` @* 12:37 AM

Friday, December 26, 2008


I had such an amazing dream last night, I didnt wanna wake up. Its been so long since a had a dream, usually i sleep right through the night. Maybe this dream signifies smt? I dont know. My mum called at 11 to wake me up. I slept through it. My alarm went off at 12. I turned it off and went back to sleep. Finally woke up at around 1. Chionged down to cityhall again, but n oone was there!

Was supposed to meet the section there, but jx told me they werent there yet, so i went into raffles place to walk around and look for stuff. At abt 2 edwin told me he reach marina square liao. called jx and realised they were all at marina =.=

Lunch was interesting, havent eaten with my cute juniors for such a long time. =) teally missed those days. the buffet was okay. abit sian of sakae food now, just ate it last week. anyway, the manager was being a total bitchass, so we kept asking him to take us our orders, refil the glasses and blahblah.

And i need to thank all my dear juniors, jie xuan, wei yang and lionel for the biggest card of the day (complete with all your best handwritings..), the mouse coinbox thingy, and the tomato/apple soft toy!

Oh, and i just finished seeing the video. Two things to say:
1) Khaiboon is a zai DM.
2) Elliott really has a slutty fuckface

Ah well, i guess this marks the end of our lives in HCIMB. Time to open a new chapter in this book of life and step into JC!

Now for the pictures =)

My two very cute juniors! Let's hope their JC seniors can keep their hands to themselves, especially the very flirtatious irene chu =p

lol, how spastic can my juniors get i really have no idea. And we thought jiexuan was bad enough.. tsktsk...


Further testament to the retardedness of my section...

OKay, thats all for today. Band prac + christmas celebration tml!! Whooo!!!

Squeaks` @* 11:13 PM

Christmas! =)

Well, Santa didnt get me anything for Christmas. Not even coals. I must have been really bad this year huh? Actually i know full well how naughty i've been this year. If it was bad by my standards, it must have been atrocious by his. On hindsight, it doesnt seem that bad after all.

Christmas, as they say, is a time for family. So we stayed at home the whole day, slacking around, playing poker and watching 赤壁. I lost like everything in poker lah, maybe because they were playing with very high stakes. Or maybe its because i just suck at poker.

Wrote letters for everyone in the section today. If you ask me, cards written on Christmas Day itself are the most meaningful, because it means someone devoted his/her precious Christmas time to writing a message of meaning to you. It took me awhile, but im finally done with all of them.

well, Christmas may be over for you, but it's barely begun for me!! There's still the Christmas party im looking forward to with the paternal side of my family, and of course, the long awaited step down tml!! Sakae@Marina Square. Meeting jx at city hall at 1:45 tml. note to self: i must not be late!

ok, I woke up quite early today (around 11) so that probably explains why my head's starting to hurt. Or it could be all those letters I wrote. Or it could be the trauma of losing more than 30 bucks over 心花朵朵开. Or it could be because i've been staring at the screen for the past few hours. Anyway, it doesnt matter. That's all for today.

Squeaks` @* 12:09 AM

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve celebration

Yay, its finally Christmas!! I have no idea what we're doing tml, or today, technically, but who cares.

Anyway, went over to Auntie Karen's hse today to celebrate Christmas! Yay, the food was nice, and so was the cake. What was NOT nice was Uncle Francis' not-so-subtle attempt to force us to watch some Christian message thingy.

Its about this guy, who started doing drugs at 11, spent more than 20 years in and out of jail and rehab. After he read the Bible, he accepted Jesus and his life turned for the better. This was followed by some pastor, who said some stuff (dont really remember cos i was really zoning out). Kinda repetative, but i guess these stuff are like that.

What was truely scary was Uncle Jee Hua's attempt to convert me. Immediately after the video screening, he started spamming me weird questions like "Do you think there is a God" "Where will you go after you die" and "What is your purpose in life". Omg, totally traumatising. I felt like telling him "LIKE I KNOW!" but somehow, being the well mannered kid I was, i didnt. Seriously! I remember once, when i was still quite young. Went for some church camp thingy. And throughout the entire bus ride, he was beside me, telling me all about Christianity. There was like absolutely no way i could tell him to leave me alone so i was stuck there patronising him for two solid hours.

Ah well, Merry Christmas guys!

Squeaks` @* 1:06 AM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Philyouth Concert

Woke up kinda late today. Saw lz's message asking us to go bowling but really didnt feel like it. Was supposed to eat lunch at 1, wait for food to digest till 4, then go jogging again. But then at around 3.30, i tried googling "online poker" and found a nice site for ppl to play poker for free chips. kinda got hooked and ended up playing till abt 5.

Chionged to the mrt station and went down to cityhall. Turned out irene was the only one there and i was pretty much on time. =) tried walking around to find a florist to buy flowers for the concert ppl, but there wasnt one anywhere nearby. Met chee shan, then the three of us went down to marina square to find flowers.

The flowers were freaking exp and took super long to wrap, so we were running very late when we met lz, zx, lionel and cynthia for dinner. Missed the opening song, Symphonic Overture, but the rest of the concert was pretty nice. Really liked the encore piece, i think its very heart-warming. Now that i think of it, i think chai slept through the entire second half of the concert. I was quite shocked when she suddenly started clapping after one soloist played, cos i assumed she was fast asleep.

Went for supper after that, I think its quite unhealthy to eat so late, so i have decided to CUT DOWN on supper henceforth. Oh, and we saw FIONA XIE at McDonalds!!!!!! super cool!! lz was like totally ooogling at her lah. or maybe it was junjie. hmm... anyway, after awhile she kinda got irratated by our very persistent stares and decided to leave. dang.. lionel wanted to go take a picture with her, but then he got NOSEBLEED!!! haha, that was totally hilarious!! dont know why his nose so bleedy these few days. the other day we go sakae eat he oso nosebleed. tsktsk.. think too heaty liao, should go drink more herbal tea.

okay, this more or less concludes today. going to celebrate christmas tml at one of my maternal auntie's hse. abit sian. not very close to them, and i think counting down to christmas with them might be abit ... you know... awkward. ah well, thats for tml. nites all. going to play more poker

Squeaks` @* 11:45 PM

its 2:32 and I have got to stop sleeping so late

Squeaks` @* 2:32 AM

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Random Post

I sacrificed my Desperate Housewives to go jogging!! Great achievement on my part i think, in an attempt not to go into army two months earlier in two year's time. Actually i jogged once in the afternoon already, around 4, but i guess today is just one of those 新血来朝 days. Soooo gonna own napfa next year. And in two years, im NOT going to go into army early.

Hmm, what shall I blog about today? For starters, my aunt has just given me a very nice Christmas present! Its called "Anything I Want". Yup, and it comes in the form of a credit card! =)) Haha, actually she gave me this card when i went to China, and apparantly its valid for about 5 years. yesterday she told me that i could buy anything I wanted with it! =DDD kinda dangerous really, leaving a teenager with a credit card linked to your bank account. Goodness knows what I could do with it. I guess this just shows how much my aunt trusts me. Contrary to popular belief, I am actually a very trustworthy person!!!

When i have some free time i shall slowly contemplate what to buy for myself. Just some thoughts, i considered the twilight series, since im probably never going to save enough for it. Shoes/Clothes/ Roller Blade (!!!!) Spoilt for choice. Oh, and this offer extends to my brother too, and the first thing he thought of was an iPhone -.- Abit too exp for a Christmas present dont you think. Okay, thats all for now, Edwin's concert tml. Nites

Squeaks` @* 11:56 PM


Okay, its 1pm and i just woke up. Really satisfying to sleep in and wake up at whatever time i want. Pity all this luxury's going to end when January the 19th comes.

I'm still abit peeved about how the school cheated us of so much slacking time. Weren't we supposed to start school some time in March or smt? First three months were supposed to be for us to HAVE FUN!! Two months of slacking-- gone!

And about the first week of school, i have numerous disagreements. First of all, why do we need to go back one week earlier to revise all the lame stuff they thought throughout the year? Wasn't it bad enough learning it once? Besides, if you could teach a year's stuff in a week, then why didnt you do it last year? Then we wouldn't have needed to spend the rest of the year learning about it.

Secondly, why are you forcing those ppl not taking particular subjects to come for the lectures as well? I know fully well that I'm never going to survive in a chemistry class, therefore i have very cleverly stayed away from it in JC. Now you're telling me i have to re-visit the horrors of my past and force me to listen to all that molecular bonding or wadever whatnot crap? Just go and die.

I reeaally wanna pon, but its the first day of school!! And i bet the school authorities were banking on this fact when they arranged it in the first place. gahhh!

Well, the holidays still look plentiful, coupled with the fact that i dont seem to have much holiday homework (and am not intending to do it), i have pretty much free time to do what i want. NEXT holidays, I'm going to make sure i come up with a proper timetable so as not to waste all these precious time.

Yesterday was pretty much quality time spent with my extended paternal family. By this, i mean QUALITY MAHJONG TIME!! I really like mahjong, but im proud to say that despite a whole day of temptations from everyone in the family, i refused to succumb and didnt play a single game the whole day!! Quite an accomplishment actually. I could have easily said "I want to play too!". Then someone would have let me. Instead, i chose the muchmuchmuuucch harder road of watching the rest of them play.

As to why i didnt want to play, I would say its because i was trying to find out if I could stay away. After all, its JC next year, and if I were to spend every weekend over at my grandma's hse playing, then i would most certainly die for promos. And besides, if i were to play, I would probably be owning all of them, so theres really no point.

Spent most of yesterday helping my grandma win. With my limited vocab of hokkien words, its relly abit hard to communicate with her sometimes. That's why i think mahjong is ideal for cross generation bonding. Seriously, mahjong is the new international language, not english.

Okay, thats about all. Wonder why they played the ferrero roche song for 超级星光大道 when the ppl were sent of... hmm..

Squeaks` @* 1:03 PM

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I'm tired, so im going to watch my 超级星光大道IV before going to bed. Nites!

Squeaks` @* 11:56 PM

Saturday, December 20, 2008

"Band" Outing

It's in inverted commas because even though its supposed to be a band thing, less than 10 ppl went. Had to cancel the initial plans of ice-skating (phew!) and went minds cafe instead! haha, so cool lah, one day after i blogged abt wanting to go then can go liao. talk about christmas wishes.

Anyway, we played monopoly for a looong time, almost 2hrs? but it was quite fun playing with everyone, even though i was getting owned big time. then we played the very intellectually engaging game "BANG"! this was really fun, and if i come across it in some shop, i probably will buy it. Somehow, xiangjing came up with so many weird connotations from the name, apparantly derived from what lz said. something along the lines of :"I cannot bang her, not long enough". get the sex pun? if you dont, then im not bothering to explain it to you.

Went to Sakae for dinner. supposed to be Fish and Co. , but i think they had some blackout, so we couldnt eat there. Sakae was fun too! Had a great time laughing about all the happy times in high school band, recounting stuff tt happened in the past, bringing up ppl like ernest, khai boon, ah lim, etc.

There was a picture with someone somewhere, but i guess it would have to wait. Meanwhile, here's the picture from the primary sch gathering.

Squeaks` @* 11:30 PM

Friday, December 19, 2008

Primary School Gathering

I slept at 3+am last nite. its abit unusual for me because i actually started trying to sleep at 2. but somehow, just couldnt fall asleep. I dont usually have insomnia, can fall asleep anywhere, especially on buses, so its kinda a new experience.

I guess the main reason why i couldnt sleep was coz i was worried/excited/uncertain/idunnowhat about today's gathering. its been awhile since i've last met my primary school friends, but even so, there are some of them whom i've not seen in four years. I had no idea who was going, who i'd be meeting and totally insecure. Afraid of the sure-to-be awkward silences, afraid of seeing someone there whom i'd no recollection of, but over and above all that, afraid that the whole lot of us would drift apart.

My short 4 years in CPS (canberra primary) werent necessarily the best times in my life, but they were certainly enjoyable. life as i remember it was innocent, carefree, and nothing seemed to be a major problem. What i loved most abt it were the people there. my class might not have been the most close-knit class, but they were all a bunch of nice people (as compared to some of the assholes you get out here). Anyway, the past few attempts at a gathering have been successful to a certain extent. never once were we able to get the whole class together, but the fact that many of us were able to go was in itself an added bonus.

Today's gathering was kinda awkward in the beginning. in fact, i didnt warm up to some of them even up till the end, but who cares, at least we kinda know more about one another's existence now. there were... abt 5 whom i've never seen since end of p6 and never turned up for any gatherings, so it was kinda nice to see them again. i must admit, starting a convo with them fully utilised the best of my diplomatic skills. we went to acia for lunch, talked some rubbish, waited for 大牌 sarah to come, and then spent a looong time trying to decide where to go. supposed to go mind's/ settler's but SOMEHOW, we ended up in lousy swirl. if you dont know, its between serene centre and coronation.

place sucked. their board games were... outdated to say the least. i'd expected smt more engaging like risk/ monopoly at least, but nvm, i guess we made do. amazing how a few packets of cards and a bundle of cold jokes can last you through 4 hrs, im still pretty impressed up till now. anyway, after we left tt place, went back to sunplaza for dinner! i hadnt accounted for this, coz i assumed the gathering would have ended before dinner time, but seeing as many were going, i went as well. was worth my while, and we had a slightly more hearty/engaging conversation there. had to leave after awhile though, with promises of another gathering soon. Sure look forward to it =) reunion chalet anyone? haha, seriously doubt anyone would be daring enough to embark on such an ambitious project.

okay, band prac tml. two weeks break? need to start all over again. and ice-skating. damn, really beat now, and totally not looking forward to all the bruises im getting tml.

Squeaks` @* 10:09 PM

The Celestial Zone

I spent the entire day at the library. Before all of you go "Woooaaaahhh", read on. Was intending to borrow the rest of the twilight saga, but they were all either on loan or reserved. was feeling kinda cheated, so i walked around, determined to find something to read. ended up reading the whole of the 'Celestial Zone 21' manga series. Used to be quite a fan of Celestial Zone, i remember. bought every book and all their merchandise. still have them in my room up till now, but i guess i kinda grew out of this type of stuff. I must say, Celestial Zone 21 has turned pretty narcissistic. Wee Tian Beng kinda made this entire series about his life as a manga artist, even turning the main character into one. I mean, we all know how tiring and taxing it can be to be a manga artist in singapore, but do you seriously need to re-emphasise that every few pages?

(chiobu rite? Her name's ziyan! ^^)

Squeaks` @* 12:53 AM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


A more low leveled show i have not seen. in all my close to sixteen years of watching television, no show comes even close to how stupid and cheap this show is.
I'd thought it would be about some rational thinkings which the fairer sex might have on certain global events. Never once guessed that it would be a show where women gathered and started abusing men.
Tonight's episode was particularly unbearable. My first time watching the show and truthfully speaking, i have no idea why Mediacorp wanted this show. I have a theory on this, will come to that later.
Anyway, how they went through this "discussion" could easily pass off as some ah lian gathering. Seriously!! All they did was to bitch about the stuff that some men did, never stopping to understand the possible reasons behind them. And their tone! oh my god, its totally sluttish, especially that stupid Cassandra see. I believe its supposed to be a chinese show, but the inability of everyone present to speak without Singlish or English really made me wonder what qualified this dumb thing as a programme.
Given that Quan Yifeng was from Taiwan, shouldnt she have a higher standard of chinese? why was she spamming broken English like no tomorrow? Oh, and i think its really unfair that she should use this show to abuse her husband. Its extremely unfair not to mention she's 公报私仇-ing. Why was she even given the host position when they knew about her marriage? Is Singapore that short of tv hosts?
Which brings me to my second point. Why, on Earth, are we doing such lame shows in the first place? I remember a stupid talkshow hosted by Quan Yifeng a few months ago, and that was crap as well. And that cooking show that aired yesterday! They bear distinct similarities to several Taiwanese shows i know of but their standards dont even come close!
When people say that Singaporean television is going on the downside, its precisely because of these reasons! Why are we importing even television ideas? Is it so hard to come up with fresh ideas, new directions to capture the audience's attention? No wonder i've been watching less tv recently.

I really think this stupid show should be taken off.

Squeaks` @* 8:45 PM

All in a day's work

The books are all packed into boxes, i have 8 days and teenage neatly stacked in a corner, cleaned out all the different shelves of my table, rearranged all my albums, flipped through all my manga and yes, i have finished spring cleaning my room!!!

*round of applause for myself*

now for the more challenging task: finding a place to put all my soft toys. unlike lz, i dont really like hanging my soft toys behind my bedstand, so i have to find somewhere to put them.
Here's the prob:there isnt anywhere to put them! they're definitely not going on my bed, else i would have to sleep on the floor. My cupboard is already too full to accomodate anyone else. where else can i put them?? damn..

Squeaks` @* 5:18 PM

I have to admit, my room is incredibly messy. I mean, i always knew it was somewhat in a mess, but i never expected it to be this untidy.
It wasnt until last night when i was looking for the stupid NYGH math papers (why i spend time looking for something i dont want to find still remains a mystery to me) that i realised alot of these stuff dont have to be here.
Do i really need 4 years worth of worksheets, notes and whatnot? All the stupid yazhouzhoukan that i've never once read? piles and piles of history tutorials? stacks upon stacks of HRP notes?
Thats why i decided to spring clean my room, and most of what's listed are now sitting in a large box i found. As this box is super heavy (it started to rip when i attempted to move it), i guess it will have to stay where it is until i can get a karang guni to come over.
When the next wave of enthusiasm hits me i shall attempt to tidy up 3 years' worth of 8 days as well as my two tables.

Oh, I wanted to go swim today, got up bright and early, but couldnt find my goggles. Thats why i'm typing this post now instead of enjoying the sun. how loser is that

Squeaks` @* 12:08 PM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My personal brand of heroin

I slept a 5:07 a.m. this morning. Not because i could fall asleep or anything. The reason's much more ridiculous. I stayed up the entire night to play Maple!!!!
Amazing, isnt it? And i thought i'd kicked the addiction. So incredibly easy to succumb to the simple pleasures of online gaming.
But this isnt Maple as many of you know it. I got this private server from xiong chen, which provides excellent drop rates and mind-boggling amounts of exp (experience points). To give a clearer illustration, I am now at level 12x. And i started yesterday.
Makes people wonder why there're still idiots playing the original Maple.
Anyway, its really fun exploring the new places that have sprouted up while i had quit, and lvling up so quickly certainly has its benefits. However, i have no intention of remaining glued to my laptop and the moment my brother install's his Red Alert 3, I'd be glued to his laptop.

Band outing this weekend.
Not sure if i should look forward to it. Ice-skating. It's been a long while since i stepped into the ring ( since sec2 i think?). And i have no intention of falling flat on my face in front of everyone.
God bless. Hope there are people worse than me. =p

Squeaks` @* 7:23 PM

Monday, December 15, 2008

Twilight: the movie

The movie was better than i'd expected.
Then again, i didnt expect it to be very good.
Anyway, i applaud the director's decent effort in ensuring that all the major scenes went into the movie. not an easy task, i must say.
so they shifted some scenes around, mixed up some of the minor details, but all in all, it wasnt too bad.
At least someone who hasnt read the book would like it considerably much.
nonetheless, some of the more subtle emotions which the actors should have portrayed didnt come out too well, noticeably Bella's lack of infatuation towards Edward.
(in my opinion) Bella should have been enthralled by Edward, totally captivated by his "beauty".
Perhaps it was because Robert Pattinson (Edward) wasnt able to reach the stage of perfect beauty as Stephenie Meyer described.
You'll understand when you watch it.
For some reason there werent subtitles.
not that it matters, but for $9.50, i'd expect every single cent worth of my money.
conspicuous lack of the classic lines would be sure to leave fans disappointed.
shant spoiler too much. go watch it bah

Squeaks` @* 12:55 AM

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Twilight is out!!!!

oh my god!!! its finally out!!
actually its early. supposed to be out on the 18th, according to my trusty 8 days.
4 days fast. think its most probably going to be some sneaks thingy, but then again, 4 days of sneaks?
anyway, gonna watch it with irene choo ltrrrr. hope there gd seats mann
oh and the movie'd better be good!!! i saw some parts of it on tv yesterday, and it seemed quite nice.
i was soo bored before irene told me bout this that i'd actually contemplated clearing out my room.
by that i mean throwing away all the past 4 years' book, notes and blah.
been meaning to get down to it ever since the end of my last paper, but i guess there's always the rest of the holidays =p


Squeaks` @* 3:53 PM

Mini Toons!!!!!

They are soooo cuuteeee!!!! =DDD
couldn't resist changing my blogskin when i saw this!!
omg, i love the baby tazl! =)

Ain't he simply adorable?

Almost as cute as me!! =)))

Squeaks` @* 2:31 AM

Saturday, December 13, 2008


lol, watching kym ng struggling to pronounce the indian's name can be sooo hilarious. live show somemore. anyway, i cycled and jogged today, so im fitter than i have been in months. been stoning in front of my laptop for far too long, so i guess i'm going to stone in front of the TV instead. miss world festival on 5 ltr tonite!! ok, im starving to death now and no one seems to care, so i shall go order macs before i collapse and die

Squeaks` @* 8:11 PM

倚天屠龙 记

yes!! finally finished the series. super nice drama lah, i remember watching it when i was quite young. recently they had reruns on chn 8 and i decided to watch it again online. 40 episode in a week. quite shuang. anyway, think my brother's buying red alert 3!! should be able to play while he's away at camp =)

Squeaks` @* 6:01 PM

Friday, December 12, 2008


i finished the book! havent read a book properly in a loong time. for the past year all i've been reading were slim's history tutorials and stuff for my HRP. not that i didnt learn anything from them, but historians had a way of making any topic incredibly boring. certainly makes a nice change, reading something with a plot. the book was interesting, and im definitely reading the sequels. but the plot seems to be a little too long for a movie, so i bet many parts will be removed. hope it doesnt spoil the whole story, like what they did with the harry potter movies.

Squeaks` @* 10:07 PM

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The day the Earth stood still

movie wasnt as great as expected. the starting part was waaay too long, and the ending came too suddenly. so much for sneaks. feel super cheated now, i thought there would be some zai twist to the story, then the credits started rolling in.

luckily i swam abit today while we were trying to teach lionel how to swim at lz's hse pool. quite amusing actually, every time lz asks me to go his hse to swim, he never swims. all he does is wait till the sun comes out and go tanning. tried to teach lionel for awhile, then started picnicking in the pool with all the titbits tt we brought down. quite 舒服 to sit in the jacuzzi and eat prawn crackers.
ok, thats all for today. im going to chiong twilight and finish it tomorrow. bye!

Squeaks` @* 10:34 PM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New band room!!

yup, went to paint the band room today. thought there might have been a little more ppl, but we managed fine. the band room looks really bright and refreshing now!! now we have new cupboards and everything, im sure it'll give the band room a more homely feel.

super duper tired, and had this freaking headache, plus i was starving all the way home. really think curry wok should serve more rice mann....

On a separate note, i did alot of thinking today. cheeshan was right in saying that i'd grown very attached to the band ppl. Its very true, i enjoy every minute i spend with you guys, but this just makes the decision whether to join band all the more difficult. Its not like i dont want to join band in JC, as i've tried explaining, its really that there are a lot of factors i have to consider. the only thing i wish to achieve from the probable next two years in band is simply to have fun. sounds really simple, but i can tell its quite impossible.

without a doubt, i know that my nest year in band will be extremely enjoyable, with all the seniors i know and like. But what's going to happen when they're gone and the new batch of juniors come in? Its no secret that there are many problems between our two batches. internal strife tore the band apart once, and being part of it all practically ruined my last year in hcimb. will band prac become the torture it once was?

like irene said, 上船容易,下船难。Its not going to be easy for me to quit the band in J2. If I'm going to join and then quit, then what's the point in joining?

one thing i really do not understand: is there really a need for things to be as they are now?

Squeaks` @* 9:53 PM

Monday, December 8, 2008

Marina Square

Ok, i know it says Marina Square but the better part of the day was spent at lz's hse slacking away with his wii. didnt really wanna wake up initially (its freaking 8 am!!) cos the weather was just soooo perfect for sleeping in! took me a good twenty minutes to finally get out of bed and go get ready.

the ride down to his house was kinda long, but thankfully i had my trusty 8 days, which i carefully read word for word so that it would last the entire journey. there was this big fat puddle of water beside the bus stop which lionel, edwin and I all stepped into (at different times), so it kinda made my shoes wet for the rest of the day. lz and cynthia had decided to dress up in "couple" NCO shirts so it was quite funny, especially since the two of them had the same poses at the bus stop.

mahjong, breakfast and wii at lz's house followed by badminton! really fun, especially watching the two extremely violent people (namely lionel and junjie) playing. the former, being unable to resist the satisfaction of making contact with the shuttle, ended up smacking it left, right and centre. the latter provided much of the entertainment with his over dramatic dives to save the shuttle, unfortunately ending up on the floor most of the time. =) really enjoyable playing with them! oh, and the NCO couple remained the undefeated team of the day. congrats!!

sadly, lz had some lunch thingy with his friends and so couldnt join us. were to meet shimin at 2.15 at marina square, and we just made it. had lunch at ljs and went superbowl for bowling!! oh, and im extremely guilty because it seems i have accidentally and unintentionally spoilt the date of a certain benjamin low =( sorry! Bowling was quite fun, except that cynthia was super duper off-form, obviously lacking in focus due to unknown reasons which she refused to disclose (its either that or she was really tired after badminton). once again, we got a lane that refused to function properly, resulting in many strikes and spares. the ang moh in the lane beside us totally cast that despise look when he saw us exploiting the malfunctioning system -.- anyway, all in all, it was a nice day out and its really sad that irene didnt wanna come, or im sure it would have been a whole lot more fun!!

Squeaks` @* 9:29 PM

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I figured i should really make up for lost time by blogging more. so for my third post in a day, let us review the post-noel outing.

there was: me, lz, cynthia, lionel, yong jia and irene. we were supposed to go bowl at some place i've never heard of. problem was, it was the day after Noel, and i was really kinda tired. slept till about 1pm, waking up a few times in between. once again, i realised i was going to be late (supposed to meet at 3, but then changed to 2.45). thankfully there was irene, who was even later!!

our very scout-worthy liu zhen confidently brought us around the area, and well, it didnt take too long before we realised we were lost. managed to find our way back eventually, then waited there for irene, who turned up in slippers. haha, quite funny actually, she ended up having to wear ths pair of uber long socks that reached her knees!!

bowling after such a long while was certainly different, but irene was really unexpectedly good.she got like a few spares and won lionel and yongjie. i got two tyco strikes after the machine hanged, but i can strike oso one okay!! got chased off the alley after awhile, cos some company booked it or smt.

lz had some dinner thingy and cynthia had to study for her sats, so they both left, leaving us to have dinner at a rather nice chinese restaurant. irene bought her twilight, which she refused to let me bring home. humph! talk about generosity. ah well, she'd better bring it on tuesday. ok, thats about it. have to wake up at 8 tml to go see doctor. nites ppl!!

oh, and theres this quiz thingy irene asked me to take. the boxes get cut off at the side, but who cares. here it is

Dating StrengthsDating Weaknesses
1. Flirtiness - 75%
2. Financial Situation - 69.2%
3. Adventurousness - 66.7%
4. Friendliness - 62.5%
5. Spirituality - 61.5%
1. Humorlessness - 62.5%

Dating Strengths Explained
Flirtiness - Flirting is a good way to break the ice, and you are a pro at it. Being flirtatious will open up many dating opportunities.
Financial Situation - You've got your financial situation under control, which is a very desirable quality. Be careful to avoid guys who are only interested in your money.
Adventurousness - You are willing to try new things and be spontaneous. You want to get out there and really live, and you will attract people with a similar love of life.
Friendliness - Your friendliness makes you approachable and fun to be around. A wide circle of friends also works to your advantage on the dating scene.
Spirituality - Your spiritual side brings you peace and balance, and keeps you grounded. This is attractive, as you can help reinforce this quality in other people.

Dating Weaknesses Explained
Humorlessness - You need to learn how to take a joke, or better yet how to tell a good one. A well-developed sense of humor is high on the list of desired traits for daters.

Take the Dating Diversions Latest Online Dating Quiz

Squeaks` @* 1:23 AM

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Every band member (who has a blog) has a post-Noel post, so i dont see why i should be any different. Anyway, ITS FINALLY OVER!!!! actually it came faster than i thought it would. even up till the day before Noel, i was still talking to chai about how it didnt seem like concert was the next day. still, it was a fun experience. and i must say i really luurrrrveee my section!!!


1) the extremely blurr german SL Chai Jia Ying
2) all time favourite blue-eyed china doll Irene Zhu Oink Oink
3) super duper 超级无敌 auntie Chee Shan
4) very busy but ever so committed Amanda
5) always so cool and dao (at least to me) Zi Yan
6) super-obvious-fake-accent-plus-severely-anorexic Cheryl
7) and not forgetting my even childish-er than me junior Chua Jie Xuan

you'd realise that i left two ppl out. the nutty nutty nutcase and edwin ang yao bin.
Who ask you two never play for concert !!!!!
that's alot of fun you guys missed out on.

anyway, many thanks to my section for being such a wonderful section!!! although im sure we're definitely the noisiest section. I've realised Ms Cheong tends to cast dark looks at our direction every once in a while, especially when we were at the harmoc room. thanks again to Chai, 小猪 and chee shan for the very heartfelt letters.

Noel was great, and although there were a few screw ups here and there, i think overall it was an excellent concert. machu picchu could certainly have been better, and yes, it definitely sounded better during the rehearsal. as described by nutcase, the gimmicks for superman and waltzing cat were pretty entertaining, but i couldnt see a thing from where i was, so im still waiting for that video she took to come out. good job to the cat, rat, superman and monster though!! and to chai for her very nicely played solo.

to sum it all up, Noel '08 may not have been the best concert ever, but it certainly was one of the best experiences in my life!

Squeaks` @* 11:50 PM

okayy, now my blog's all set up. sure brings back memories of how my previous blog died. =(
ah well, its a new beginning, and i promise to update this blog as frequently as i can. will get round to looking for a skin soon.

dont really know why i suddenly decided to create a blog. maybe i was inspired by cynthia kusumawardhani, or maybe i just got sick of tagging on other ppl's blogs. either way, here it is and its gonna stay!!!

Squeaks` @* 11:32 PM