islenska 06.07.06 ______Here Comes MICKEY`!
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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Very fun quiz i got frm edwin's blog!

Have you…
1. Made out for more than 3 minutes?

2. Slept in a different bed?

3. Loved someone so much that you couldn’t live another second without that person?
Eh, dun think so

4. Made out with 2 different people in one night?

5. Thought your cousin was hot?
haha, i think so? Tho now i wonder why..

6. Been in love?
head over heels man...

7. Slept past noon?
All the time. Including today

8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex?

9. Gone over the speed limit?
Cant drive, sorry

10. Painted your room?
Nope, though i really want to one day

11. Drove a car?
Told you I cant drive

12.Danced in front of your mirror?
Thats stupid

13. Gotten a hickey?

14. Been dumped?
I like to think not

15. Stole money from a friend?

16. Gotten in a car with people you just met?
Yeah, all the times hitchhiking from the ulu dog pound place. Rmb?

17. Been in a fist fight?
Uhhuh, with my brother, cousin...

18. Snuck out of your house?

19. Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?

20. Been arrested?

21. Made out with a stranger?
You're crazy

22. Left your house without telling your parents?
All the time. Need to tell one meh?

23. Had a crush on your neighbour?
Definitely, some old aunty and a little kindergarden girl

24. Ditched school to do something more fun?
Yeah, got caught somemore. That wasnt fun

25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex?
mmhmm. At band chalet.

26. Seen someone die?
Err, nope. And neither do i want to

27. Been on a plane?

28. Kissed a picture?
If i did I dont recall.

29. Slept in the opposite sex’s bed?
I sleep on my aunty's bed all the time when I stay over

30. Love someone or miss someone right now?
Ahh.. I love everyone I love. Not missing anyone in particular

31. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
Haha, I love doing that!!

32. Made a snow angel?
Nope, sand angels count?

33. Played dress up?

34. Cheated while playing a game?
Haha, if I said no I would be lying. You're supposed to cheat!

35. Been lonely?
Sometimes, I guess.. who hasnt?

36. Fallen asleep at work/school?
Who doesn't fall asleep at school (exactly!)

37. Been to a club?

38. Felt an earthquake?
Nope. The day there was supposed to be one in beijing. But I was sound asleep in the dorm

39. Touched a snake?
Yup, kinda nice to touch

40. Ran a red light?
Just did two days ago. Turned out my father was like ten steps behind me and he watched me do it -.-

41. Been suspended from school?
Nope, my school doesnt do this type of stuff

42. Had detention?
err... does emptying dustbins in staffroom count?

43. Been in a car?
ah duh

44. Hated the way you look?
nope, I love myself <33

45. Witnessed a crime?
errr... I might have. Traffic accidents a crime? Cant rmb liao

46. Been lost?
I remember getting lost alot when I was younger. But now I grow up liao =D

47. Been to the opposite side of the country?
haha, my country isnt very big

48. Felt like dying from embarrassment?
ahh.. not to that extent though

49. Cried yourself to sleep?
nope, i think thats stupid

50. Sang karaoke?

51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do?
I try not to. But if I fail then its not my fault cos i tried!

52. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose?
I forget embarrassing stuff easily

53. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?

54. Kissed in the rain?

55. Sung in the shower?

56. Had a dream that you married someone?
stupid dream, dont you think? though i dreamt I was carrying a bomb just a few hours ago

57. Played getting married?
Might have. When I was a small kid with my neighbour.

58. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
How do you do that? o.0

59. Ever gone to school partially nude?
Nope, that would get me suspended

60. Been to a blind date?

61. Sat on a roof top?
Nope, isnt it dangerous?

62. Ever not take a shower for a week?
Not that long. Longest was.. 2 days? In obs

63. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
I not scared of scary movies de okay!

64. Played chicken?
diao, sounds lame. wouldnt play even if i knew what it was

65. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
nope, but I remember doing alot of the pushing

66. Been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
All the time!!!

67. Broken a bone?
nope, my growing up process has been relatively safe

68. Been easily amused?
When I'm high

69. Laugh so hard you cry?
yup. just yesterday, when I saw irene leap up and yelp when edwin threw the dog bowl at her foot ><

70. Cheated on a test?
hahahahah!!!!! i wonder...

71. Forgotten someone’s name?
forgot hengyang's name last week. but tt doesnt count, cos i couldnt recognise him with tt new look

72. Blacked out from drinking?

73. Played a prank on someone?
uh huh, cant think of one at the moment though

74. Gone to a late night movie?
yup, i remember watching.. some horror movie with lz once. forgot wad its called liao. Disturbia?

75. Made love to anything not human?
-.- some beastiality thingy? nope

76. Failed a class?
flunked math through. but i passed eoys

77. Choked on something you’re not supposed to eat?
almost swallowed a coin when i was younger. Still remmeber my dad turning me upside down to get the coin out.

78. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours?
10 hrs? not in one sitting lah

79. Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend?

80. Did you celebrate the 4th of July?
"today, fourth of july, we celebrate, OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!!" but nope, never

81. Thrown strange objects?
throw stuff all the time, but define strange

82. Felt like someone else?
nope, im one of a kind

83. Thought about running away?
haha, i remember planning to run away frm home last time, but i always came back

84. Ran away?
a few steps..

85. Had detention and not attend it?
i quit my one mth empty dustbin thing after 3 days?

86. Made parents cry?
not me!!!!

87. Cried over someone?
once upon a time

88. Owned more than 5 sharpies?
hmm? wassat

89. Dated someone more than once?
wassit mean? are you supposed to?

90. Have a dog?
omg, i wanted one sooo badly when i was a kid. =( but nope.

91. Own an instrument?
my trusty recorder from primary school! =)

92. Been in a band?
Hcimb & hwachong symphonic band

93. Drank 25 sodas in a day?
nope, you're be exhaling gas

94. Broken a cd?
yup, last time we used to play some CD throwing thing with kheexuan

95. Shot a gun?
at... the CCA open hse of air rifle

96. Been on IM for more than 5 hours?
huh? wads IM?

97. Fell asleep at the computer?

98. Have a major crush on someone right now?
Not telling you!! hah!

99. Have a religion?
not at the moment

100. Thought about what people would say at your funeral?
i suppose they would be in too much tears to say anything =(

101. Loved someone but didn’t dare to tell that person?
lol, isnt it the same as 98?

102. Slapped someone in the face?
haha, bitch fought all the time in lower sec

103. Swam in the sea?
yeah, not pleasant though

Squeaks` @* 11:56 PM

My crappy OG group

I din know we could check the groupings until cheeshan told me. And I shouldnt have checked. My group sucks! I dont know how the council managed to randomise us until so pro, but there is only one person I know in the same OG group. And he's a loser/asshole/idiot/useless person with a meaningless existence on earth. For those who know him, his name is kenny hee. yup, its sounds just about as stupid as he it. For those who do not know him, count your blessings.

Okok, I was feeling down and depressed until I spoke to zongxian. And guess who he got in HIS group???

-drumroll please-


I feel kinda sad for him, but much happier now that i know someone else got the worse end of the deal than me! =DD

Squeaks` @* 9:22 PM

Friday, January 30, 2009

Cynthia's birthday!!

Okay, I think our present was the most interesting and got meaningful one.

Do you get what it means? Apparantly Lz couldnt. He stone for super long, then thinkthinkthink and still cannot geddit.

Indonesian rupiah
Apple soft toy

Geddit now?
And the very nice birthday cake

If you think she looks happy now, wait till you see her after the birthday kiss lz gave her. xD haha, all I can say is, lz's friends are a crazy bunch of people. I've got the video of the entire very long process, but I shant upload it here in case she gets upset.

Haha, just to let you know cynthia, ah leng was this close to seeing the video! But he figured you'll never dare to face him if he saw it, and so he decided not to see. xDD Hope you had a very enjoyable birthday!

Ok, after that was the three hour sectionals with lewis.
I think he's quite good, and I agree tt there are many things we need to do as a section, to really 培养默契 so tt we can play as a section.
As for playing louder, I'm sure everyone will do their best, especially edwin.
And I hope tt my going over to seconds will help strengthen the base sound.

Heres the photo frm our family outing, guest starring the family cat...... lionel!!!

Apparantly tt person didnt know how to use a cam, but nvm, at least he knew how to press the button!

Squeaks` @* 2:37 PM

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chu San family outing

It started at 11, and peirong and I began the search for the cynthia's presents. Haha, it was quite fun thinking of what to buy and my dear shanshan came along to join us after awhile. She looked sooo tired I wonder why she din stay at home to sleep. But i'm glad she came anyway =) Oh, apparanty she lives in this ulu ulu kampong high up in the mountains, so her car ride take very long, make her very tired.

Irene and lz came along after awhile and the first thing irene did was to laugh at me -.- Thanks ah, super nice girl lah. We went for the cheapo buffet at the hotpot place after tt and it wasnt very filling cos only got noodles/porridge. Ah well, at least we saw a 超级大美女 there ^^

Went to play pool after that. I realise everyone is very pro at pool! except for me! =( but i really think I have talent for it, so I'm probably going to play again soon. Almost won lz and cynthia though, and we definitely won shanshan and irene, although they refuse to admit it. I shall play more and eventually own!

Watched the hongkong movie which was quite funny, although a few canto jokes got lost in translation. Not bad lah, provided a few laughs for the day. I still wanna watch bride wars though.

Ate dinner at kopitiam, and lz finished eating even before we got our orders! And went to eat somemore. Which explained why he couldnt bowl properly after that. Apparantly it affected his center of gravity. Or it could be that the lanes were screwed. We left after bowling cos cynthia had to reach home before her bdae. oh, and while its not yet 12, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CYNTHIA!! Haha, I totally forgot to msg her until like 12 plusplus but I guess it wouldnt have mattered cos she would have been talking on the phone at tt time ;D

Caught up with all the missed episodes of kangxi, so I ended up sleeping at 4. Which is stupid, cos I'd intended to repay my sleep debt but in the end I slept the same number of hours. Okay, thats all for chusan!

Squeaks` @* 10:16 PM

Happy Chinese New Year!!!!!

Yay, because its CNY, this post shall be in bright festive colours! Okay, its been quite awhile since I blogged, cos alot has been going on since chu xi. I've kinda already forgotten what happened, but lets try to recall.

Chu xi

Okay, chuxi was on saturday rite? Yeah, I rmb going down to my grandma hse super early (like 1 plus) for lunch. My mother kinda scammed me to go down, making me believe tt there were alot of khakis down there. Ended up stoning and helping them stock up on drinks. But playing with Eugene was fun, his stories about primary one school life are super amusing. He's definitely my favourite baby cousin amongst all of them. =D

When we finally began playing mahjong, it was like 4 plus i think. And we didnt even finish the dong fong lah. Super sian. Apparantly I won too much even before we began properly, so my auntie din wanna play anymore -.- whats this lah. I find it very unfair >(

Tuanyuanfan was a scattered affair, mainly because not everybody could eat at the same time. There were just too many ppl . So we kinda staggered the timings. Okay, actually some of us were feeling hungry so we ate first =p Sharks fin soup was like alotalot. One gigantic pot full of it, so everyone spam and spam but still cannot finish.

The night was full of gambling and time seemed to pass very fast. Dont think i won much frm ban luk and the san zhang thingy tt we played =(

New year!

First day of the new year we went my ah mah hse in the morning, gambled abit, and then headed off to the macs tt we eat at every new year. I have no idea why we still go there and eat, esp since my maternal grandparents moved already. Guess its a kinda custom. Okay, the next few hours were REALLY boring, I just stone and stone until a cousin got us to go play bridge. Left as soon as possible, without appearing to be rude, which took a few hours.

And so, we went back to my ah mah's hse. I must say gambling really helps ppl stay awake. I was a total zombie from the lack of sleep, but once i got there, I felt really awake! Gamblegamblegamble... then go home. Although its just gambling, I think its ideal bonding activity, especially when all of you are against the banker =p Maybe orientation we can try smt liddat?

Day 2

Went for maternal side gathering again. Some dimsum place for brunch. I must say the service sucks real bad. All our orders just went to the next table (we were in the same room with 4 tables) so we had like nth to ear. Got pissing after awhile, so my very-hungry-therefore-angry cousin was like asking the stupid waitress how come she screw up so many times. And then tt idiot just refused to admit tt she delivered wrongly. -.- freaking dumb lah, we asked the other table and KNOW tt they din order tt much food. So the only conclusion is tt she delivered wrongly what! Spoilt my day.

Hmm, then they all of them came over to my hse for mahjong. Totally sian diao, I tried and tried to dissuade them, but it din work. =( So all come lor. I managed to reach hme abt 10 mins b4 them, so i hurry up chiong and pack up my room so tt they wun see the mess. Got all the lame stupid jobs like looking after all my girl cousins while the went to the garden to blow bubbles (freaking lame rite?), and the peacemaker as my two littlest cousins fought who got to put my coins inside my tong kong. -.-

Oh, I realied my maternal grandmother is freaking pro at mahjong. Like total ownage. She just win and win and win and win. Pity the suckers who agreed to play with her. For money somemore. Losers!!!

Dinner at my hse, then they all left soon after. Phew, i was sooo relieved when they left lah. Imagine like 20 plus ppl just suddenly turn up at yr hse. Then you have to constantly churn up new topics to talk to them abt. Pure torture.

Fell asleep curled up on the sofa. In some very awkward position. Guess tt just shows how super duper tired I was. But when my mother said smt abt playing mahjong, I woke up again! Haha, the amazing power of mahjong!

so thats basically what i did in 3 days. chu san, which is yesterday, I shall blog tml, cos im getting kinda tired. Time to pay off some massive sleep debt!

Squeaks` @* 12:55 AM

Saturday, January 24, 2009

CNY in school

First cny celebration in jc and it pwnz high school ones flat. Performances were short and to the point. Unlike high sch ones, which go on for hours and hours. The carnival thingy was very cool too, though I got ripped off like siao. Spent more than ten bucks on food which didnt fill me. And I attribute the stomachache I later had to this blend of random food.

Lunch was alot of stuff frm cold storage. Spammed the sushi and the chicken. Surprisingly, we still managed to finish everything. Which is why I say the carnival food wasnt filling. There was tasteless jelly and the grass jelly drink (which couldnt get up the straw) frm irene, with complimentary doughnut, then ice cream, sausage, popsicle-turned-coloured-water and candy floss frm kusumummy.

Strangers was the strangest movie ever. No beginning and no end. Not the scariest movie you could watch, but thrilling enough. Lz's coffee table came, but no sofa =( Couldnt go watch Inkheart, but i suppose watching tv together was quite a nice bonding time. Hmm, on the way home I could feel my stomach really hurting. Like at different parts. I assume that means the food's travelling down the small intestine.
Love you guys <33

Today I went to buy more clothes!! =DD very nice, so im quite happy. Tml's chu xi already! Haha, I cant wait. Its like the day i love most after Christmas! Yayayayyayy!!! Oh wait, it already is chuxi now!

tag replies:

peirong: Well, I tried my best! And stop oogling at tweety's butt!
cheeshan: I'm going to become a mugger too!! Next band prac I borrow the SATs book frm cynthia to mug!
cyn: Yay!!!! I want the biggest angbao in the whole wide world!
yufei: Yupp, all of you can come along. But you wont get any angbaos!!! hahaha!!!
chai: i think have like 4 in total =( I assume they think we are all prcs and therefore our english all suck
yufei: Hahah!!! Yah rite! My english pwnz yours anytime man!! Shall we go for SATs together? o.0

Squeaks` @* 1:05 AM

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Advantages of a plastic bag

Tired sia!! Couldnt hear my wake up call this morning (=p Sorry!!) and I was sooo tempted to just shut my alarm and sleep on. Thankfully I managed to crawl up and get to school abt 10 mins early.

Paid attention during math, and english totally made my day. The diagnostic test was the best! I've never had so much fun doing a test before. The type of questions in paper two was totally cool!! Think I like the english department =D Paper part 1 was kinda easy too, cos its just basic language use thingies. If only SATs were like that!! Which reminds me, I've got to start mugging for SATs soon!

Oh, and break super stupid. We were standing by the koi pond in high school, then a certain chin xi ning decided that he would try and surprise me by springing up from behind me. -.- Would have worked, had I not seen him from twenty metres away. But thats not it, in his attempt to scare me, he managed to make my bag slip off my shoulders. And guess where it landed? Yup, inside the pond. I was super shocked when I saw that lah! Especially because Wilfred was just telling me about how larry got thrown into the pond once before. Thankfully I have my reliable plastic bag. So instead of sinking into the deepdeep 2 m pond, it happily floated on the surface while the koi nibbled at it. Phew!! And now I have the perfect example to persuade ppl to get a plastic bag. =)

Physics I slept through without taking a single note. Ppl around kept nudging me awake, but I just kept on sleeping. Haha, now I know how peirong keeps falling asleep in class despite the tables being very low and uncomfortable. Anyway, the teacher came over to ask me why I din take any notes and I pretended to be studying the lecturer's working very doubtfully. I think I acted quite well, complete with a very realistic frown as I "concentrated" on the screen. Haha, apparantly it worked! Cos the teacher left without saying another word. =DD I feel pro!

Speaking of teachers, I say honyp today! Outside where used to be slim's homeroom. And he looked so happy to see me!! Haha, I swear, and yufei can testify its true. He was like smiling to himself all the while lah! I'm sure he's proud of me! =)

Band today was mainly sectionals. Doing same stuff so its kinda ok. Leng seems happy again, which makes me all the more convinced tt he only scolded us the other day for the sake of it. After band was a complicated dinner affair. Supposed to go KAP for dinner, but somehow.. SOMEHOW ... somehow... somebody "forgot" to get off at that stop. So we stopped a few stops later, bought a few breezers and then headed back to KAP. Although it sounds like a simple business, it actually took super long. And when we got back, everyone except junjie had finished eating =( Oh, but I managed to get my treat from cheeshan though! =DD yay!!! I think McFlurry is very nice! Thank you cheeshan!!! Ok, then it was time for OUR dinner. Went to the clap clap crab place to eat 螃蟹大餐!! Super nice food and service, and its quite reasonably priced too i think. If you missed it, then its really too bad. Congrats to lz for passing his driving test!!

tired. everyone else went to bed liao. nites!

Squeaks` @* 11:46 PM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A claustrophobic experience

Early in the morning at 8 o' clock, there was like some massive jam on the road to school. I took 30 mins to get from my hse to newton and 40 mins to get from newton to school. -.- late for school, so i quietly tiptoed in from the back of the LT and took my attendance just before it was handed up. As the minutes past, more and more ppl came, some from the back door, others strutting in from the front. And when the lecturer told those latecomers to go down to take attendance, MORE THAN HALF of the audi went down !! I swear, there were more ppl standing up than sitting down! haha, one thing super zai abt jc life is how everyone stops trying to be punctual.

Chem was okay. Chenxing was busy telling me how his "ideal" girlfriend would be, using felicia chin as a benchmark. Evevtually we came up with "Chenxing's ten commandments", which was a list of criteria his girlfriend would have to meet. His requirements were super stringent, and I'm sure there'll be no girl who fits every single one of those standards. His first "commandment" alone had ten sub-parts !!!

Hated the bio fat bitch. Forgot her name, but it seems to start with F. The video clip we watched was highly disturbing, involving some children with their brain cells crushed by fat build-up in their brains. Ouch >.<

Band was downright depressing. We stoned for super long while leng took other sections, and i could almost tell he had no intention of letting the rest of us play until he got it right. so we played nothing for ... 2 hrs? yeah, almost there, not taking into account the once he let us play through out of sympathy. Everybody kena scolded after we played through, then dismissed for sectionals. I think he's agenda is mainly to motivate us to continue practising over CNY, cos i saw him doing more or less the same thing with the high school people.

Oh, and after band, we went back to JC, and cynthia kusumummy very kindly locked me up inside the band room!!! Thank you very much! I was following them out of the band room then she suddenly turned around and locked the door!! Totally random. Ok, for that, you owe me two angpows instead of one! =DD

I'm sick of school already. Can I dun go tml? Pleeasseee?

to nut and chai: I'll be wating for my angpow!!

/edit: it makes me very uncomfortable to see all my seniors mugging during band prac leh. so disturbing, like im some slacker liddat =/

Squeaks` @* 9:55 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just as bad

I think there is a hole in my head or smt. It seems to hurt whenever the wind blows in my direction. So throughout sectionals i was having wave after wave of headaches. Certainly didnt help with cheeshan slapping my head every now and then.

It seems that I was wrong about today being a better day. English diagnostic test was disgusting. I have never ever handed up an essay I have not completed. Until today. And it wasnt even that hard.

Next up came the KI test. Okay, I have no idea what they wanted from the essay, and the indian guy there wouldnt make himself clear. So i kinda crapped alot of bullshit. "We're just going to see if you can think" Well, I guess this means I cant =(

There's a math tutorial thingy to do. Should I do it? I havent done any math homework willingly since sec 3, but like peirong said, there isnt any homework in JC. Guess this means all the more I shouldnt do it =P

irene is soooo mean!! >(

Squeaks` @* 8:42 PM

Monday, January 19, 2009

First Day of School

It sucked. Guess I was wrong. It doesnt really matter whether its high school or JC. School life is more or less the same, and this first day was terrible.

I figured a good day needed a good start, thus I even chose an auspicious time to wake up. Didnt work though, because I went back to sleep after peirong woke me up. =P

I didnt like the first teacher I set eyes on. That Yeow guy (or however you spell his name). What's his problem man, trying to scare us into behaving? Its not working, dude! Could tell he didnt appreciate Akilan's idea of a grand entry though (few teachers can appreciate the beauty of bubbles, especially in the very big auditorium) , but he couldnt do anything to him. So much for being our Discipline Master.

Didnt like the NY girls in my batch either. No offense to anyone in particular, just all of them.

Lectures sucked equally. I was really paying attention in math, because I din wanna lag even before the lessons began. But with that Yeow guy teaching you math... it just makes the subject suck even more.

No hp, no sleeping, no talking in class? Well, its a different thing from what I've been hearing, so I wasnt quite inclined to believe him. Heck, the school's way of intimidating us is really kinda stupid. I'm not allowed to pon lessons cos "attendance will be taken". Yeah, taken by a class rep. -.-" And he claims that the discipline system in JC is "much stricter than in high school".

Tomorrow looks like a promising day. English diagnostic test, math lecture then the KI test. I'm still going, to take a look at what KI's supposed to be. Maybe I should go for the ELL too, just for fun.

What really made my day was the double-issued 8 days and Teenage. And of course, the four hour nap I took from 4-8.

Squeaks` @* 10:00 PM

Hours before the end

Its 2:04 now, and in a relatively short amt of time, I'll be sitting on a seat in cheng yi lou listening to our beloved CEO Mr Ang delivering his opening speech to this new batch of J1 intakes. An interesting speech, to be sure.

Got home past midnight, and the amount of stuff they put online for you to read was just too much to handle. Without knowing it, I have missed the survey form for those intending to apply for KI. Five days late, in fact. I'm not sure if that means I no longer can take KI, but I probably never could right from the start.

Reading through those things new J1s ought to know took awhile, and because I had to make sure everybody began this JC life on an even ground, I read every sentence in detail, lest I missed out some minute piece of information that someday causes my demise. On receiving the new (and extremely crappish) timetable, I next proceeded to fill up my new organiser, determined to never ever utter the words "What lecture are we having next?" again.

I guess that pretty much explains this late post. And why I was bathing in the middle of the night. If fifty years down the road I wake up with a headache in the middle of the night, then this, too, is the reason why.

I swear talking to Akilan makes me go insane.

Ok, went to "study" today at cynthia's hse with lz and peirong. I shall not elaborate on the inverted commas in case some no-life teacher goes bloghopping and ends up on mine. Saw the legendary BEEHIVE for myself today! A spectecular view really. I'm impressed with how everything stays up, especially after that disastrous haircut. Anyway, Cynthia's house was cool, and I managed to take a look at the enormous SATs book. I'm definitely mugging that one book.

Slacked around and watched much more tv than work. I guess I was pretty much the reason why, being the only one with no math test tml. Anyway, good luck guys!

Dinner was an uncomfortable affair, with lz determined to spoil everyone's appetite. I have a theory regarding why he likes to do this, but that is another story. Childhood memories are always a nice thing to talk about, especially over dinner. Nothing like a good topic to boost your appetite. However, all of this evidently does not apply in lz's context. It started off with lz being sick, discussing shit, in relation to spoons and sinks. Details are much too gross to be posted on this blog. Lets just say I'm amazed they managed to continue eating.

Ok, I'm freaking tired and I have no idea why I'm doing this post instead of sleeping. Sooo glad school starts at 11 tml. Probably still cant wake up, but who cares. Beats playing high school anthem on the field at 7 in the morning.

Note to self: Pay all library debts before CNY

Squeaks` @* 1:13 AM

Sunday, January 18, 2009

And so it all ends...

All too soon, I find myself down to my last day of holiday. Its been, what, 2 months plus?to think that I'll be going back to school tml. (And i dont even know what time) Anyway, I think this holidays have been particularly memorable, maybe because it didnt end right after Christmas. I think thats why I was able to look forward to Christmas so much and really enjoy it. =DD

Loved Christmas.

Oh, I loved Noel too! It was really a great concert, much better than the previous one with the angmoh band. I think we all really enjoyed it much much more this time round. And then there was band chalet. It was kinda short, but very fun! At least until I left. No idea what happened after that, but everything's no fun without me!

Ok, I guess this means my holidays havent exactly been wasted. Phew, I'm kinda comforted at the thought, cos I really didnt wanna let it go to waste like the rest of the holidays.

On hindsight, I definitely could have gone swimming more often, jogged more frequently, practised my horn more dilligently, read a few more books... and the list goes on.

Well, at the very least, I've managed to make a new friend in these holidays. This year, in fact, so these holidays definitely did not go to waste.

Its my current desktop picture. And my album art for hymn to the sun. Certainly looks nicer than the fat japanese man (no offence)

OK, its like 3.05 now, I suppose I'd better get to sleep. Nites!

Squeaks` @* 1:51 AM

Friday, January 16, 2009

Level Up!!

I think I'm getting very good at solitaire. In fact, I'm quite pro at all the microsoft games now. =D Guess it just shows how no-life im getting, but it certainly beats going to school!

Okay, band prac today was one of the more effective ones, and I think it went very well! For once I have the stamina to finish playing the entire ending part . =DD Everything from the expressive part onwards I could play without stopping! Finally man!! Was it the warm ups? Or the individuals? Haha, anyway, I'm really glad I can do it! =)

Squeaks` @* 10:50 PM

A Thousand Splendid Suns

Okay, because I'm smart and I foresee the need for a book review in the future, I shall attempt to blog abt this book so tt in the future, I wont actually need to read another book. =D

Basically this book is abit similar to 'The Kite Runner' in the sense that they both depict the discrimination against people in Afghanistan. From what I gathered from cynthia, 'The Kite Runner' seems to describe the situation of the ostracised minority ethnic groups. 'A Thousand Splendid Suns', however, focuses on the lives of average Afghan women, exploring the extent of gender discrimination against the fairer sex. Interwoven into the plot is a concise history of the numerous wars which have constantly plagued the land of Afghanistan, focusing on Kabul, where the stage was set, and was coincidentally the author's birthplace.

The story revolves around the lives of the two female protagonists, Marian and Laila, and the author shows how both the war as well as the society's bias against women have contributed to their sad fate. Both forced to marry against their will, to the same man, they realise that they have to spend the rest of their lives subject to the whims and fancies of this one man, whom, in my opinion, regards them as nothing more than sex slaves. Try as they might, their society's distinct gender bias prevents them from escaping and is ultimately what condemns them to a lifetime of suffering.

khaled Hosseini skilfully links the lives of two average women together, and tells the story from both perspectives, thereby allowing readers a clearer insight into their thoughts and emotions. This structure abandons the mise-en-abyme format, although there remains faint traces of it, apparant in the later chapters of the novel, where Mariam's story is concluded through Laila. In this way, the author allows readers to explore the many different possible endings which could have been possible, thus invoking a sense of regret.

One general theme is prevalent throughout the novel, which is that of love. It is displayed in many different forms, such as the love of a father for his daughter (seen through Marian and Jalil), the love of a mother for her child ( only the great love of a mother for her child would have given Laila the courage to undergo a Caesarean section without anaesthesia), as well as the love of one soulmate for another (exemplified through Laila and Tariq.

Okay, I'm getting bored of writing this thing, so I guess that's all for now. Wait until there really is a need for the book review then I write bah.

Squeaks` @* 12:45 PM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Woke up at like 11 plus today and started watching 康熙来了。 watch until almost late for lunch. Band prac was uh.. getting predictable. Keep practising the same stuff over and over again. I think I shouldnt practise so frequently. Ltr I get sian of those two pieces then die liao. Maybe just practise a few bars a day.

Dunno why alot of ppl like so upset today. Could be the three days of school taking its toll on the J2s. Heck, i should just be grateful I'm not in their shoes.

Oh, and I came up with a great way of enjoying my sleep more! I figured if I set the alarm for 6 o clock, then I can wake up feeling really tired and then go back and sleep!! =D The going back to sleep part is what I yearn to do every single school day, but never could.

Then when I eventually wake up I'm going to go jogging. Apparantly more than half my section have crossed the 50kg mark therefore i shall attempt to join their ranks. Hopefully by the next height and weight session.

Squeaks` @* 10:10 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Slept till 3 today. Dunno how come I'm so tired, but it was a good sleep, so nvm.

Bought all my pens and pencils today =D Havent gotten a pencil box though.
Finally finished reading Artemis Fowl!! Its quite a kiddish read, but I enjoyed it anyway. A quater way through A Thousand Splendid Suns. Still no idea where it's headed. So far it seems like the biography of one person and her sad life. I really think its none of my business, but I'll read on anyway.

Oh, and all the games on my ipod are miraculously workable now! I wonder why... Maybe it synched with lz's comp? Hope they dont start failing after I plug it into my comp. Band prac tml, at 3. Guess I'll have to wake up early again.

Really need to go buy my organiser

Squeaks` @* 8:14 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009


Guess I really had no reason to get so nervous yesterday. I was freaking tensed up right until joseph sim was giving the results. Was really freaking happy when I saw that little black "one"


Seems like 10 years of chinese education hasnt been for nothing. Going by what 陈副校长 said, I am effectively a 双语人才 now! (issit this 才? Or is it this 材?) =) omg, I'm so happy. First A1 in the class I think, and I'm really proud to say that my chinese is at least on the same level as all the other prcs and malaysian scholars in my class!

Haha, the class totally cannot believe it when I got A1 lah. They even wanted to come up with the 100+ bucks to check my paper lah! -.- So insulting man.. I can do chinese also one okay!! Doughnut feast for our class outside kah kee hall was cool, and even though they were bought using our class fund, everyone was very happy to have smt to munch on. Haha, it was really thoughtful of chenxing to buy them.

On a separate note, I was abit upset honyp didnt come and give us the result slips. I would simply love to see his expression when he sees my grade. hmm... maybe next monday I should go visit him! joseph sim totally stun when he saw my grade lah. Bet he expected me to fail or smt. see me in the morning then purposely go and ask aki "what grade do you think you will get ah?" Whatever!!

Speaking of aki, i think he seriously has smt wrong with him. He's "working" Shangrila for the rest of the holidays, except you cant call it work, because he isnt getting paid. I mean, isnt that the whole point of working!? Guess some people are just weird. Or he could be there to oogle at the hot waitresses O.0

7 pounds was crap. Like totally crap. Fell asleep after fifteen minutes, so i missed the most impt part of the plot. When I woke up i had no idea what was happening so i just stoned till the end of the movie. Talk about getting scammed. I should have known better to trust xiong chen's choice of movies.

Squeaks` @* 8:18 PM

What if.... what if.... what if... I dont get A?

How am I going to face honyp, i seriously dunno.

Squeaks` @* 12:22 AM

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back to school blues

I am officially feeling the blues :/ I really really REALLY dont wanna go back to school!! And i have no idea why. Theres nothing to fear from JC life. No screaming slim, fat-bitch cheong, teocm, flowerpot adeline. There is more to look forward to in school as compared to an average high school monday. Haix.. i dunno why lah.

Good luck to all the J2s who will be returning to school tml. In a year's time it'll be our turn and then i dread school reopens even more.

Good luck to all the J1s who will be getting back their higher chinese O lvl results tml :/ drats. I'm starting to freak out at the though of it. Never thought it would be so fast. Not in the least mentally prepared. I suppose it is a good idea to go school earlier and practise some hymn to calm my nerves.

ARGH!!! I've never felt so nervous before!! Not even when i got back my report book. Okay, maybe its because I already knew all my grades before getting it, but still... I do not like this feeling of anxiety. Imagine if I were taking O levels. Omg, it'll be like 10 times the number of butterflies in my stomach.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tml. If I get a B or smt liddat then it'll be one of the major regrets in my life. Let's just see how it goes.

Maybe i should go and sleep earlier and stop panicking

Squeaks` @* 11:27 PM

Saturday, January 10, 2009


If I were to use one word to describe my day, that would be it. I slept, ate, slacked, slept somemore, ate again and continued slacking. And it wasnt as if the medicine made me unable to do anything else. I just chose to slack. After all, its two weeks to school, and there wont be this luxury for a looong time.

I guess I should be thankful that J1 timetable has so many buffers. One week of lectures which I doubt i will be attending, followed by chinese new year. After that there's two weeks of orientation (or so I hear) before school officially begins. And for once, there are things to look forward to in school. New people, new faces and a whole new school life. Almost feels like a new lease of life.

Because everyone is telling me to be consistent, the theme of my academic life in 2009 shall henceforth be consistency ! No more of the slacking in class and chionging before exams I'm so used to doing. I am going to be prepared at all times, keeping ahead of everyone else. From this year onwards, I shall aspire to triumph over math. A new era has come, one in which I will own math, not the other way round. Never again will I cower in the face of math problem. In time to come, it will learn to fear me!

One last week of holidays. How shall I spend it? Should I attempt to reset my biological clock? Or should I sleep as much as possible? Should I start revising my stuff? Or should I let myself rest just a week more? Decisions, decision. life is full of them. Yet i times i wish thing would just continue and all i had to do was to follow.

Pictures from the band chalet!

Yay, coolio hat! =D

Can you spot liangsai's head?

The elusive phantom head!

Kite-string bondage!!

The looks of -ahem- sympathy

Why so bored, kusumawardhani?

My all-time favourite constipated look! >.<

Still looks abit peaky, eh?

lol, the elusive dog pee pic

Squeaks` @* 9:59 PM

Whatever was wrong with tt previous post, I seriously have no idea. Maybe its contents really werent meant for some eyes. Whatever the case is, I'm just going to ignore it and get on with life.

First of all, I'm proud to announce that I can once again communicate on the same octave with most of the human species !!! Yay!! No more sounding like some Frankenstein-like monster. You have no idea how happy i was when I picked up irene's phone call this morning and realised I could talk. It was pure torture not being able to talk man... Glad its finally over.

Anyway, I am soo glad I decided to come for band prac today! Slacked around at home trying to decide whether to go band prac or continue lazing around. Luckily I chose the former, else I would have missed out on so much fun! Leng started crapping abt Hwachong band history shortly after I arrived, so I didnt really prac much. It was interesting all the same, I didnt know that such a thing happened. If you ask me, these conspirational theories are not really that reliable, but everyone loves a little gossip, so go ahead!

After prac we went to kfc for lunch. I think it was abit of a risk eating there with my voice just recovering, but I guess it didnt matter much. After lunch and on the way to the bus stop we finally got enough ppl to go watch 赤壁so we walked back to the other bus stop to go lz's hse and slack b4 the movie.

Peirong started talking to edwin using lz's msn and it was super funny! She passed off as everyone there except herself and even managed to trick edwin into believing tt the movie was at sembawang instead of west mall! This, i believe, is the main reason why edwin came late for the movie.

Loved the movie. Not the seats though. it was incredibly difficult trying to get into a comfortable positionat the third row, so I kept turning around to ensure tt i wont start cramping up. Effects were really awesome, the actors were good, and so were the fighting scenes. Plot would have been good, had it not been based on a historical event which everyone already knew. All in all, I wont mind watching it again, and thats saying quite a lot, cos I never watch movies twice.

Hopefully the second time I can get better seats =)

Squeaks` @* 12:11 AM

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Nasty Viral Infection

I just went to see the doctor, and apparantly i have a viral infection! =( I think its because I've been sleeping too little recently. Haix, now I cant even talk properly. Kinda ironic actually, seeing as in reading "the art of talking to anyone". =/ Band prac tml! And the doc says i shouldnt be playing any wind instruments. How? =(

Anyway, lets get on with the second day of the chalet. I got up at 8, after a short two hour sleep. Felt really crabby, especially because I couldnt talk. Breakfast cheered me up a little, and after drinking a bottle of that white white thing I could start talking again! yay, although my voice turned out really low and weird, at least I could make some sounds.

Didnt join in the animal mania which the rest were playing, cos it involved making weird noises, which I definitely couldnt do, so I watched them. Went to play captain's ball after awhile, and its super fun and very tiring. Felt a whole lot better after that, and we sat around and stoned, so I went to bathe and then we went out for lunch.

鱼片米粉 for me and my poor throat, but it was nice, so nvm about that. After tt we went to get subway for those who didnt wanna join us, and poor chai got laughed at by some ang mohs for playing ji gu pak with me across the transparent subway walls =( hahaha!!!

Anyway, irene and chee shan were at the chalet when we got back, so we decided to go throw the frisbee around again. The wind was too strong for frisbee, so we decided to go fly a kite instead. Havent flown a kite since...p6? Glad to see i havent lost touch. Anyway, the kite got stuck after awhile, and we had quite alot of fun trying to get it down and even more fun tying irene up with the kite string!

Sat at the seat there and listened to the all guys choir (including chai) behind there singing alot of songs. Took spastic section videos and group photoes of which I have neither, and it was super cute! Went back to the chalet and camped inside one of the rooms listening to the girls talk, then we were joined by lz, cynthia, edwin and peirong (i keep getting her name wrong). Watched peirong try out all her weird cheerleading antics with cynthia as a guinea pig.

Cheeshan left after awhile =( and the rest of us played a lame chinese word game. Got a little tiring after awhile, so everyone went to sleep. Guess that shows how tired we all really are. Before I knew it, it was like 7+. Closed my eyes and an hour passed. Quickly got up to watch my 心花朵朵开 and eat my fish porridge. Played snap jack over 'America's got talent' and then all too soon, it was time to go.

Quickly packed my bag and left together with xiangjing, irene and peirong. We were waiting for the bus when I forgot to bring my bag along. -.- Am I Zai or what man... A big thanks to edwin for bringing to me. Thank You! =)Went to popular with peirong and irene for her to buy a book for her book review, and then took the mrt back home. Super duper tired, I fell asleep for like 10 stops without knowing it So glad to finally reach home and get a good night's sleep. Okay, thats all for the chalet. Hope there's another one this year, and maybe this time I wont fall sick!

edit: I still havent managed to "do" my math! Zong xian, can you plsplspls pass it to me?

Squeaks` @* 8:59 PM

Band Chalet

Okay, I'm back!! Should have still been in the chalet, doing checking out and stuff, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I am back at home instead, feeling fully rested after a long sleep.

Let's see if I can remember what I did for the past two days. In the morning of the first day I went back to salt centre for individuals with lz. I think including warm ups I spent a grand total of one hour and fifteen minutes practising. The rest of the time was spent photocopying the scores, which took an incredibly long time, cos we kept missing pages of the scores >(

After that we went to lz's hse cos he didnt manage to finish packing the day before. Read abit of my book while waiting for him to finish whatever he was doing, which took a while. Supposed to meet lionel at tampines at 12 to go pasir ris together, but in the end we reached about 12:30 liddat. Sorry lionel!!! Yeah, made him wait for half an hour. =( sorry!!

Ok, the mrt ride was freaking long. like 50+ minutes?? got bored (and hungry) after standing on the train for awhile, so i suggested going for lunch first, then continuing on the the journey. Decided on Bugis, and went to Crystal Jade for lunch. The food was super nice, and super filling. I dont know how they calculate their servings, but it was just right. We were filled almost to the brim, but not quite, leaving a little space for the ice cream next. Slacked around at that doughnut place, cos we were all feeling too comfortable to move.

Finally began the rest of the long journey to pasir ris, and we reached with abit of time to spare. Went arcade to look around, played House of the Dead 4 with lionel. Kena thrashed in like.. 30 seconds after he died, so it goes show what good boys we are and how little we go to places like arcades. There was this new game which edwin had alot of fun playing, which involved poking the buttons which lit up. But edwin, being edwin, couldnt smashing the buttons with all he had, which left him complaining of his hurting hands after tt. =)

Next, we tried to get to Aloha loyang by bus, but somehow, we managed to split into three groups in the process. First group was lz and edwin, who managed to get on the very crowded bus. Second group was me, xiangjing, ls, zx and a girl (dunno her name), which sneaked a ride on the downtown east bus. Third group was lionel, shimin, germaine and someone else, which walked all the way there. Well, it took awhile, but after alot of hassle, we all managed to get there in one piece.

There wasnt much to do there, so we got out the cards and I learnt how to play Snap Jack. Played that and a few more games, like hearts, bridge, etc. After that we went to throw the frisbee around, and learnt how to play a frisbee match. This was followed by a very vigorous game of ice and freeze, which left everyone hot, sweaty and tired. Those who didnt join in were playing mahjong at the balcony, so they were the only clean ones around.

Ok, my memory gets a little cloudy abt what we did next, so I may have gotten the sequence wrong. Basically I bathed, watched 心花朵朵开 and waited for the pizza to arrive. After that we played strip poker with the mahjong tiles as chips. I think our rules are abit screwed, seeing as no one has played strip poker before, therefore we didnt get very far with the "stripping". luther, liangsai and i were "stripped" of our shoes and yiyi remained the only one fully clothed. not very sexually appealing, but it was fun playing all the same.

Yongjie arrived around this time, so the ten minutes before his arrival we spent deciding on a place to celebrate, getting the cake out and trying to bring a lit candle out into the open space with the wind blowing from all directions. After that we attempted to bond yongjie (failed terribly cos his jeans were too tight), sang the birthday song and brought the cake back into the chalet to cut and eat. Then there was a mini cake fight which left yongjie with some cake down the front of his shirt (which he wore for the next day as well), and some disgusting raspberry juice on chai's shirt.

After that it was mahjong time again and I sat around watching them play. When no money gets involved, I find very little incentive to win, and therefore, get very lazy to think. It was fun watching until I got bored, so i went to find lz they all, and found them telling stories and talking bout random stuff outside. Joined them for awhile, then they went back to the chalet and i went to look at the stars.

We realised tt there wasnt anyone at the bottom level of the chalet after awhile, so we went back in and found all of them camping in one of the second story rooms, playing taboo. Went in to join them, and they played a few other games like charades, guessing band songs, movies etc. Played for super long, and it was really very funny, but in the middle of the game i started losing my voice, and by the end of it i think i couldnt even talk. Drank lots of water, but still no use, so i just ignored it.

Went to play mahjong again and this time i joined in until i got too bored. While we were playing the rest of them were having some heart to heart talk which i found really amusing. So the four of us playing mahjong attempted to eavesdrop on them, which was a little too obvious, cos of the conspicuous drop in volume. After we ended the game we went for supper at the vending machine. to be honest, the sandwiches were quite horrible, but its better than nothing, and certainly makes falling asleep easier.

Went up to sleep with lionel after supper. It was around 6+ am then. Shortly after, we were joined by lz, who started making falling asleep just about impossible. Due to my inability to speak, I couldnt make him shut up, so I decided to ignore him (which was just as hard). Anyway, luckily lionel was there, so lz turned his attention to him and I was able to finally fall asleep.

-end of day 1-

Squeaks` @* 1:19 PM

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Error Carried Forward

Looks like 09 brought some of 08's problems along with it.

If you look hard enough, there isnt anything you cant find.

If you try hard enough, there isnt any problem you cant solve.

Squeaks` @* 12:11 AM

Monday, January 5, 2009

Yay, 小娘惹 just ended, and the very smart me guessed the ending!! So proud of myself =) guess it comes with years of watching television. Anyway, there were many things i wanted to say abt it, but I've decided not to, because it really is a nice show and I wouldn't wanna ruin my own impression of it. I would say its as nice as 黄金路, although the ending is much nicer. Curiously enough, there's Felicia chin in both of them! I think she's really pretty but I still couldn't help laughing out with I saw her in that nyonya dress. Guess she's just more of the modern type yah? Like in 心花朵朵开.

Okay, enough with the television stuff. Band prac today was once again not very eventful. I think sectionals are more effective really. Not that I want leng to get food poisoning again, but I feel that we should have sectionals more often. Maybe thats why the raffles bands do it like that. Anyway, I'm probably going back to school tml to do individuals or smt. Then heading off to the band chalet.

Luckily the chalet got subsidise sia, else I'll be eating instant noodles at aloha loyang every day. I kinda like the bungalows there, and going with the band would really be fun, even though certain seniors wont be staying.... -narrows eyes- Okay lah, 知道你们不方便 lah, maybe there'll be another opportunity? I doubt it, but lets try to be more positive abt it, shall we?

Oh, and on a side note, I suck at guitar hero. Like really suck. Super duper crap. Think its abt the same standard as irene or smt. But no worries, I'm sure I'll achieve a breakthrough soon! Going to own chai one day!!!!

Okaayy, I need to pack for chalet le. Though I have no idea what to bring. Hmm... no idea how long I'll be staying either. Hmm....

Squeaks` @* 10:00 PM