islenska 06.07.06 ______Here Comes MICKEY`!
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Pris!!! =D

Yup, it was my dear dear Priscilla Seah YuYing's birthday today! =DD Wished her happy birthday exactly on 12.00 am, but then the lazy pig was fast asleep -.- Yup, YOU the lazy pig was sleeping! Why on earth do you need to sleep at, what, 10.30??? ><
Its kinda sad that yr bdae didnt turn out to be great, but dont worry, we all love you!! <3333
heh, i suppose you could always ignore HIS birthday too! =p

Sectionals today was super tiring x.x I just wanted to sleep after it ended lah. Turned out preparing for sectionals didnt work, because it just made me too tired to play when sectionals came -.-

Class' getting better. =) really cause for celebration. major asses remain asses though. I dont understand why someone will want to blow a tiny little thing so out of proportion and sensationalise the whole thing. tsk, really annoys me how these petty people think and behave. The "foreign talents" in my class still stand at a large number, but now that im talking to them more i realise they are quite nice people. And i was sooo freaking shocked when i realised the girl I had been talking to beat me in last year's english eoys! And she was a PRC!!!! I think she's one of the few cool prcs in hwachong =)

Squeaks` @* 9:02 PM

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Back from school

First week of school has been really intense, and not very enjoyable. Lets take a look at my subjects:

My first impression of the history dept was quite a positive one; they seemed to be a bunch of fun loving ppl, and i must say, they are. Mr Tey is the joker everyone knew he was, and its abit sad im not getting him as my lecturer. The other male history teacher which i got, Mr Quek, is supposed to be a pervert (from what i heard frm seniors) and apparantly he tends to give girls preferential treatment >< The only female in the history dept is Ms Kumar, and she's a very nice lady, albeit on the heavy side of nice. i think she's super commical, especially cos the first time i saw her, she didnt zip her pants! Really amusing how kia wee just shouted out to her tt she didnt zip. hahaha, its not very often you see tchrs feeling uncomfortable and this is definitely one time im not forgetting!

The female lecturer seems quite okay lah, dont know her name, dont recognise her face. But she's the type that can be quite mean/bitchy if you cross her. Not that im intending to, i'll just be keeping a low profile until my blocks are over. My tutor is kinda nice though, and i think this is really fate at work. Who would have thought i would have gotten slim's WIFE as my econs tutor!? Now im at a dilemma. Should i mention to her that her husband was this tyranical asshole who terrorised the whole of batch of HP students in sec 3? Or should I tell her what a great mentor slim was and how he very kindly gave me my A1 for HRP? Of course, there is always the alternative of not doing either and pretending i never knew him...

Okay, this lecturer is seriously a bitch. I still dont know her name, but i dont like her voice. so i kinda fell asleep during her lecture, which was gibberish, apparantly. hope she gets to the lit text soon, im having lots of problems with TTOTS. My tutor is this nice guy called mr wong, and i think he has taken a personal interest in me! o.0 i kinda finished my lit diagnostic test in like 20 mins after writing alot of random stuff and started slacking, so he now remembers my name! yay =)

I think Mrs lim (derek's mummy) is a very nice teacher, even though she doesnt like to smile. definitely better than mr png (sorry, but i cant freaking stand his voice and lousy grammar). I predict i will be having lots of consults with her this year, so lets hope she doesnt blacklist me anytime soon!

boring shit. if i could i would sleep through every lesson.

Yup, thats about all i have to say about my lessons/teachers. As for my class, i guess they are mostly a bunch of decent people. not people i would usually talk to, but all the same, nice people. the girls seem to be easier to communicate with, and i shall not even comment on some of the guys.


I'm very sure band is the reason why i was sooo tired throughout the week. Seriously, after sectionals and prac all i can think of is falling asleep on my bed. didnt get much work done as a result. Lewis is an excellent tutor, im sure, but i really wonder whether blasting is supposed to help us play better. Dont know if i was taught differently, but i distinctly remember seanchia telling us not to blast too much because it spoils our tone. hmm... and are we really going to play with that tone for those running notes in hymn?

The band is now very big, cos of all the new j1s, so our replacement rate is at an all-time high. the bad news is that our balance is now screwed like shit, and i dont know how long its going to take to fix everything back again =(

ehh, there was alot more stuff i wanted to blog about, but i've forgotten about them all, so thats all for now. I shall try to blog more often in the following week. Time to do some research on the manymany colonial wars in SEA!

Squeaks` @* 11:01 PM

Sunday, February 15, 2009

All Set

I've packed my bag, printed my timetable, and once again, am ready for school. This time for real. Cheers to a good school term! =)

Squeaks` @* 11:59 PM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

An interesting day

I wouldnt say nice because some parts of it wasnt all that nice.

Morning was as usual, a crappy affair. Got up late, almost late, no horn for fr, went to take photo and joined my class.

Much of the morning was spent watching my ct do their skit. I had no idea what the whole thing was about. It just seemed really retarded to me. Through my very pro slacking skills i managed to escape having a part in it, so that was good =)
Went to find peirong when it got really boring, played with her ipod for awhile and then went over to hs for lunch with kiawee. haha, didnt tell the class ppl abt it, so when we got back one retard was quite pissed. But seriously, who gives a damn abt some 4p guy getting pissed? I have better things to worry abt than that.

Slacked off to the library and was reading Calvin and Hobbes when i fell asleep. On the hs library sofa, which turned out to be quite comfortable if you laid on it in a certain angle. Late for the faculty preperation for campfire. Missed nth, but i must say some of the skits were super hilarious. Especially Dainel Soo's cross-dressing, transvestite-impersonating performance.

Went for dinner after that. I really dont understand why some people need to hold a meeting to decide on a place to eat. Seriously, 7 ppl? Doesnt help when you have some tootface refusing to eat at every single place =.=

Met lionel and jasper at BTP where we were having lunch and lent then 5 and 2 bucks respectively. Lol, to think lionel was contemplating eating the cat food frm cold storage. Went back SALT for band prac. Saw ccb on the bus and he looks the same. too much the same, in fact. Hmm, watched them sideread some songs. Shant comment on ppl's sidereading cos mine is like crap.

I think campfire was a very sweaty affair. Joining cynthia's junior class seemed an innocent enough idea, until i saw that zheren, henry and melvin were in that class too. Henry was totally going crazy man, lost control over himself liao. Seriously, he was shrieking out the lyrics of the songs and jumping all over the place like a madman. hahaha, i feel bad saying that bout him, but i guess its true. Got really wet jumping up and down as well as play choo choo train around the different cts.

Dance session was screwed up. Basically because i kinda ponned a few sodache sessions and there werent alot on dance. Which meant i pretty much couldnt do any of it. oh, but i still danced in the end, no thanks to a certain irene chu, who asked me to partner her and then conveniently pangsehed. nice job irene. I'm sure if you keep it up i could get used to it. thankfully i hao you man tian xia and found yi zhuang and edwin to dance with for the next two dances.

got sianned of dancing so i went to stone with liangsai when they started the cheers. Saw the J3s in the band room, and rujun kinda looks better. haha, at least now you cant tell that his hair's curly. Kheexuan looks exactly like the little monk I've seen on a tv show!!!!

Left school after awhile, and chanced upon an interesting sight at the bus stop. I shant say more, but my dear edwin, if you're reading this, then consider it retribution for all the stuff you've done in the past!! =p

Squeaks` @* 12:46 AM

Thursday, February 12, 2009

ARES - the God of War

War Games was super fun!!! =D Especially the first and last 10 minutes. Within the first 10 mins Athena was out of the game, cos every other fac meng attack them the moment it started xD Super cool, then you can see the Athena part of the field littered with alotalot of plastic bomb bags. I think our strategy kinda worked. Cos after that Athena gave up on defending and went all-out for Apollo, which worked to our advantage. The Artemis peeps were really funny, keep trying to solo chiong us. Obviously it didnt work, cos the tower areas were spammed with very enthu Ares ppl who surrounded them and forced the bomb bags to break =DD And as you probably know by now, Ares won!!!!! =)))) Getting wet was super cool, and so was bursting ppl's water bombs. I do have an issue against girls putting the bombs up their shirts, though... What're they trying to do, tempt us?! Oh, and the starch was just downright disgusting, looked suspiciously like some white white stuff all over our shirts >< Campfire tml, hope its fun!

Squeaks` @* 9:35 PM

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

yay, my printer is printing again. Thats about the only thing that went right today. And even that took me quite long. I was so annoyed the printer wouldnt work that i actually got out the printer manual and finished reading the whole thing before i realised i didnt plug the freaking thing in. =.=
Guess I really had a busy day.

lousy orientaton week. I guess shan yi would say its because i kept ponning thats why its no fun. Well, i bet she wouldnt say the same thing after she takes a look at my class. Seriously, its crap. The biggest asses of our batch are in my class, and i dont think its too much to want to stay away from losers like them. Granted that there are a few nice ppl in my class, if still isnt enough to offset what the negative energy radiating from the asses. Ok, my class may not be the worst, but its bad enough. On part with the class with a girl boy ratio of 1:16 and slightly better than the 90% prc class. Enough of the ranting. But if you have anything against my ponning, at least now you'll know why.

Squeaks` @* 10:26 PM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm super full after eating at my grandma's place. Dinner + steamboat + yusheng = Imba combi. never eaten so much for a meal before. And i think im getting sick. My chest totally burned when i sneezed just now.

Been having weird dreams lately. Yesterday's was particularly peculiar, but it wasnt exactly a nightmare, neither was it s nice dream. The one I had a day before definitely freaked me out. I could feel my goosebumps standing even in my dreams >.< Guess I've been sleeping too late recently. Either that or its because i've been thinking too much before i fall asleep. I remember in the past i was always above my dreams, in the sense that I knew i was dreaming, so subconsciously i could alter it in any way i wanted. but in these past two dreams everything felt so real, even though it wasnt very scary.

Og orientation is finally over. ok, everyone is accusing me of being anti-og cos i ponned everything they organised. But seriously, who's going to stay in touch after a few mths? Not many, and i definitely dont think i will be one of them, therefore there is no point. Better tt u dun get so attached you cry when forced to part. Ct orientation next week, and i guess yr CT is one grp you cant avoid, cos you study together and all. Hope i get to be with ppl i know, so the first mth or so wont be so weird.

yay, my laptop's sound is on again! =DD i was getting depressed without being able to watch kang xi for the past week.

Squeaks` @* 11:45 PM

Thursday, February 5, 2009


The pre-orientation lectures/briefings sucked. big time. Im really surprised ppl can get so high after one entire morning of dumb talks about stuff i dont wanna know. Yeah, so i guess its kinda crappy timetable. I would suggest they set another week aside just for lame talks. Then i can just pon that entire week.

I suppose orientation isnt that bad. could have been much worse. hmm, the icebreakers were quite fun, to be honest. Didnt manage to help me remember anyone's name though. And i can only remember them playing 3 games. Double whacko, blow wind blow, tuki tuki (at a super sloooow tempo). Yup, that was it for the first day. I dont know what happened after the icebreakers, cos i left when they began the school tour. wasnt feeling too good, plus a school tour sounded lame. went back home and slept frm 7 till 10 after dinner.

Second day of orientation was pretty much the same. we uh... learnt how to do the mass dance,(which i find very difficult!) and played some games. my OG grp quite zai. wond 4 out 5 of the games we played, so we're like tying for second position now. =D din go for og dinner. Dont know why, but i din feel like eating with them leh... And its not even as if i hate my og. i think its really cool and there are people i know and can talk to, but ... dunno leh. Maybe im going through an antisocial phase?

din go school today ><
the rest of the post got screwed up, so im not going to bother typing it out again.

Squeaks` @* 12:01 AM

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Once again, school's starting

Only this time its orientation. I think I spent the day before school reopens quite well. Went swimming in the day and afternoon at lz's hse. Ended up having a water war which he lost. hahah! Talked about some stuff.. ahemahem. im not tell you abt them, cynthia! =pp

Went bpp to cut hair. And chanced upon huang jing lun!

Yup, thats the guy. I presume he's quite popular in Taiwan. But singaporean, being the typical singaporeans tt they are, arent quite inclined to support their own country's people. Which resulted in quite a poor turnout. Towards the end it was almost empty =( i feel quite sad for him.

Okay, I took alot of pics of him frm the audience place, but dunno why i cannot put the pics up individually. Yeah, so all the cute photoes I took of my cute little cousins who came over to my house.

Oh, in case you din know, today is chu qi, which is ren ri. Which is why they came over to lao yusheng. Yup, had lots of fun playing with my two cousins. Miss Eugene sooo much! <33>

Played mahjong for awhile, then watched the aunties play. Hahaha, i suck at watching ppl play lah. Made my mother lose and lose. I'm quite sure she din win a single round with me beside her :/

Well, thats all for today. Fingers crossed for a good orientation week!
ps: whats sodache?

Squeaks` @* 10:54 PM