islenska 06.07.06 ______Here Comes MICKEY`!
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

All Set

Its 11.30am and im sitting in front of my table, all set to begin chionging my holiday homework. Just waiting for the right amounts of inspiration and motivation to strike. In the right direction.

Have I mentioned how annoying all the teachers are? They can let you happily slack through the entire semester, but the minute the holidays start, WHAM! all the homework starts coming in. Its not an exaggeration, take history for example. For the entire term i was under the impression that we were going to survive history with just the skimpy powerpoint handouts given to us. then one day before the holidays start, thick slabs of reading came in, complete with 3 essays which we were supposed to complete over the holidays -.- talk about evil.

Mugging session with pris yesterday was kinda productive i guess? managed to finish my very daunting literature tutorial which I had no idea how to begin. could be because i missed the tutorial, or maybe its a sign telling me that my lit just sucks, because i took an amazing 5 hours to finish the three part tutorial! Very slow, even by my standards. Ah well, at least i managed to get it done, alongside lots of gossip.

Managed to find my way down to cine (with some help) and watched the very creepy movie! I think its called "coming soon" but the entire movie was in thai, so i really couldnt tell. Still, its by far the nicest horror movie i've watched in a long time. It really had that mise-en-abyme (movie within a movie) thing done very well! I would have loved to watch the movie that was being played inside it. How people can manage to watch a movie behind their fingers is really beyond me, but what really takes the cake is the fact that some people can CRY watching it! Hahaha, i think thats the biggest entertainment of the night. By the way, I still think whoever played the role of that ghostie thingy is very very very very brave!!! Anyone brave enought to go find the name? oh, ususally i would wanna put the promotional poster of the movie here, but its really kinda freaky, so why not you go find it yourself?

Really wasnt that frightened going back alone, guess I had other things to worry about. And it kinda upsets me how everyone appears to be having bad times =( Jiayou everyone!!

Squeaks` @* 11:36 AM

Sunday, March 15, 2009

i feel so clever.

My stomach was feeling very weird after orientation (its either the grapes, flour or apple), like the stomach gas build-up i keep getting. felt like puking all the way to my house, but the felt better once i got home. I was feeling very annoyed with the wanna-puke feeling, so i decided to eat this super spicy chilli crab cup noodles for dinner. with a carton of HL milk and a bag of Lays. Ended up with this stomachache which made me feel so freaking stupid. Arghhhh. Nvm. at least im better now.

Squeaks` @* 12:24 AM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I refuse to believe it. This must be a dream!!!!

Its been exactly a week since i came online. A major miracle, to be sure. I've realised that ever since school started, I dont require these technological comforts as much as I used to think I did. Not coming online for one week didnt particularly require alot of determination or willpower; I simply didnt have the time. And speaking of my technological comforts, I am currently one and a half weeks behind on my daily kangxi, missed two weeks of xingguang, not read naruto/bleach manga/anime for dunno how long, and most prominently, lagged behind in reading of my all time fac 8 days. Imagine that. Really goes to show how busy jc life is (J1s have a right to be busy too okay!!!)

some things i remember doing this week (in no particular order):

1) econs test (whoohooo!!! i got 21/25!!! =DD)
2) math test (lets not talk abt it)
3) saw a nice double rainbow =)
4) spent almost everyday in starbucks/cafe cartel
5) missed POP
6) ran 6 rounds for 90th anni! o.O
7) over mugged for every subject
8) owned the econs tutorial with imba essay
9) missed school yesterday >< (my very nice english tchr kinda said she trusted me, so no nid check my mc =D)

yup, thats all i think. tml going to sit for my english make up test. which is after 3 periods of gp. haha, to think i actually suggested this slot to my tchr. Can you imagine 6 periods of GP in one sitting? I might actually just die! o.O Anw, im determined not to flunk my first GP test, so lets all keep our fingers crossed! Oh man.. i would never have dreamed smt like this would happen. Tried to salvage as best as possible, but .. ah well, guess i cant do much now. Tsk, it gets annoying sometimes, when i keep tapping into that store of luck, which i always assume is there, to get me out of whatever predicament. I'm sure there is a theory to explain this, just like how Murphy's law states that "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Sure worked out today. ><>

Squeaks` @* 11:47 PM