islenska 06.07.06 ______Here Comes MICKEY`!
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

bleh... screwing up my tests quite badly. just how badly im not going to mention, but this June holidays im definitely going to start working much harder. Hopefully I'll be able to keep to the timetable which I hope i will be able to come up with. EOM for pw due this friday. Damn.

Squeaks` @* 11:15 PM

Monday, May 25, 2009

Squeaks` @* 1:31 PM

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mad Day

Friday was such a crazy day. I reached school quite early, and was intending to take my horn to prac awhile. But the moment i bent down to take my horn out, and guess what I saw? Hundreds of white crawly things were all over my case! I was like totally " oh mygod, what the hell?!" Freaking termite/ant/whatever-it-is infestation!!! On my case! In my case! All over my case!!!! Quarantined my horn on the fish tank bench, then started salvaging the case in the toilet. Pretty much freaked out alot of people who were there, but who cares? I was the one who had to scrub out all the little nests inside the case. Went back to the band room and discovered the origins of the infestation. It was this unbrella left on the shelf, and i have no idea how it attracted all these insects. I presume the termites dropped down the shelf and landed on my case, then one adventurous termite dug its way down into the case and discovered the treasure trove of rotten wood within. Brought half his family over and TADAA!! one entire day of trouble and bad mood for me!

MAD Nite

The performance was good, though i didnt really get the storyline. Ah well, i guess its worth the 6 bucks! Baby looked soo cute on stage! <33


Stayed at home the entire day, being a lazy worm. Reading "Wizard's First Rule". Some quite interesting stuff in the book, but the explicit torture stuff freaked me out abit. slept at... i think it was about 4. Didnt manage to go out and jog like i promised i would. ok, im going to do my gpp before sunday slips away too.

Squeaks` @* 12:50 PM

Friday, May 22, 2009

A memorable day.

Squeaks` @* 12:01 AM

Thursday, May 21, 2009

After close to 3 months of hiatus and many half-hearted attempts to restart this blog, I'm finally back! Complete with a new blogskin featuring the all-time favourite mickeymouse!! =)

Actually i really wonder why i stopped blogging for so long. these past months have really been the most important and memorable part of my life. It's a pity i didnt manage to document them down, but then again, i suppose the best memories are those kept within you.

SYF 09 was definitely one of the most important experiences I'd gone through. It was the first time i was able to really enjoy myself on stage, playing with my mind not on the notes, but taking in ambience, and feeling really really happy being able to play with everyone on stage. every concert they'd tell us to enjoy the music, but every time i would be too preoccupied with the pieces to really enjoy it. If felt good, and very relaxing in that atmosphere. The scene before we entered the tuning room was definitely one of a band past caring about the competitive nature of SYF. I think we did well, but the result didnt really matter, even if we'd gotten a COP im sure everyone would have be contented. In the end, honours, gold, or silver didn matter anymore. We didnt need them to judge us. We'd already proved ourselves. I love hcband <333

School, on the other hand, hasnt been particularly enjoyable. I'm quite sick of all the endless lectures, tutorials, none of which my class treated seriously. Guess my class is just screwed up. It shouldnt matter, but I'm getting influenced by this negative atmosphere. If i dont manage to get the results I want at the end of this year, im blaming it on them.

And Kris just won American Idol!!! Oh man, I was totally rooting for him! =D Love his voice! though Adam's voice's really nice and soothing as well, I didnt like his genre and it got abit creepy when they got that rock band to perform. Abit like detroit metal city i think. Omg, its so touching seeing him sing as the champion! I really like the show =) They really gave me a night full of good music (with the exception of that scary rock band), and got me into a better mood for school tomorrow. Music, indeed, transcends all boundaries.

Squeaks` @* 11:32 PM