islenska 06.07.06 ______Here Comes MICKEY`!
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Monday, July 27, 2009

Whenever i go into reclusive periods of not blogging, interesting things always start happening. Its been some time since I last blogged, and the blogger font seems to have changed on its own! o.o

Anyway, i want to blog about saturday a.k.a. the Public Speaking Day! I reallyreallyreallyREALLY didnt wanna go for this workshop. Like seriously. Its not a 'i -wanna-pon-because-it-sounds-boring' thing. Its just that i was feeling a very rare mugger wave sweeping through me and planned my entire day's mugging schedule, only to have it disrupted by this workshop. After much cursing and swearing and debating with myself, i finally decided to give it a chance and see what these trainers did for a living.

I was pleasantly surprised to find three young and quite cool people teaching us how to speak in public. Expected a bunch of old people (ok, not old, maybe 30++ ?) forcing us to present, anticipated awkward moments where you have nth to say when presenting, all of this compounded by the fact that my group prepared next to NOTHING for this workshop (maybe thats why i didnt wanna go in the first place)! The workshop was interesting, and definitely much more than I'd hoped for. We learnt about useful things to look out for, such as pause fillers, footing, body language, hand position etc and i'm sure they'll be useful in the future. We presented after 5 mins of preparation, and to my dismay it turned out quite terribly. I distinctly remember screwing up twice, once when I was trying to throw an 'act-pro' rhetorical question to the audience, and once when i was trying to describe the retarded tiger head on the Tiger Balm van. I have no idea why the trainer would describe me as "confident" when i could totally feel myself trembling. (hmm.. it could be just my soul trembling within my body, and that would mean my facade is totally at its imba stage)

The lunch/break food was good, possibly because I was so hungry, and so I was in a very good mood when I went back after break. While I was relaxing at the back of the room, someone (and i know who you are!) cruelly sabotaged me to go for the "speak like a pro" thingy. You basically have to pretend to be someone who is very well versed and familiar in a random topic which will be given, and then answer the questions which the floor will throw at you. Their objective will be to undermine your authority, while yours would be to project a confident image. I dont know about you, but this sounds extremely daunting to me, even now. The topic I was given was totally retarded: I was to be a coffin expert. How much lamer can any topic get, seriously. Of all the things in the world?!

I was asked a series of very dumb questions like "why does a coffin need to be comfortable" " Now that people prefer cremating bodies instead of burying them, how has it affected your business" and something about Michael Jackson's coffin. It was quite fun, taking on the role of another, and I was quite surprised to note that I was more relaxed while pretending to be someone else. (Does this say something about living a false life?)

All in all, interesting workshop. Give it a chance.

Squeaks` @* 7:56 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

testing testing. there appears to be smt wrong with blogger.

Squeaks` @* 12:05 AM

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Finally done with this accursed block tests!!!
I suppose it went much better than expected, especially for history.
they have GOT to start teaching us properly man...

Now i can get back to enjoying my holidays, which are proving once again to be short lived, due to the online whatever crap that they're putting up all over the place.

thanks so much hwachong. totally welfare lah. no sabbaticals but got online work. see if i bother doing

Squeaks` @* 11:24 PM