islenska 06.07.06 ______Here Comes MICKEY`!
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Sunday, August 23, 2009

ok, its about 10 pm now, and i have three tests this week, starting tomorrow.
guess i should start panicking just about right now.
Econs Math and History
in order of tests.
studies suck. feel like choosing the simplest way out and just pon sch, dun do tests.
teachers wont say a thing, considering i've been a good boy this year.
but then again, i shouldnt start being a loser now. not after a whole 8 months of non-escapism.

school hasnt been as fun as i think it could have been.
i sense factionalism in the air.
issue after issue, they just keep coming.
how am i supposed to pretend i dont know?
the least i expected you to do was to actually DO SOMETHING abt it.
what have you done?

and im irritated with someone!
what on earth is wrong with you!!!
stupid slacker
tell you something from the start of the year until now
cant even get smt so simple done
admin stuff only leh, oso cannot do
then come and waste people's money by being dumb

=)i feel like a bitch. but at least i've gotten it off my chest, and nobody knows who im talking abt. so its win-win-win !

time for econs!

Squeaks` @* 9:54 PM

Monday, August 10, 2009

went swimming this morning! =) so healthy rite ^^

after that i rushed home, had lunch and went out again.
GI Joe at west mall. Think the show was quite cool leh, a pity the girls didnt really appreciate it...
The ending was an obvious lead-up to the sequel, and i didnt really like that. Apart from that, i guess the movie was acceptable (but definitely not woth that 9.50 i paid!!!)
Bused down to beauty world to play pool. shant say more, but the presence (read: existence)of certain people really ruined the mood. Ah well...

Squeaks` @* 9:12 PM

farewell was great! :)
havent seen the seniors in a really long time, and its like our really really last time together as a band. after this, its byebye. everyone's going off to do smt that no one else is doing. =(
but its ok! im sure we'll be able to meet up again soon. (especially since we havent had our jts =P)

i really like the water bottle the seniors made for each of us! thank you very much! :) Mine is blue and the nicest cos they made it twice. and since they did it on the flipside, mine is double sided too! yayayy!!! =DD Inside got alot of letter and stuff, but im not going to read them anytime soon. Maybe one day i'll be feeling emo and sad then i can take out to read!

the handphone straps are super cool too! even they cost a bomb >< ah well, i think its quite worth it. now we're a real section, cos theres smt everyone has. many thanks to irene for poking the string into my phone for me! :) super diff to poke it through lah, and i still have no idea how she did it for 3 phones. but then again, its prolly her greatest achievement ever, so dont have to over-react. =p

bought my new shoes after farewell, and its the brown converse one made of cloth! like woolly cloth. so if it gets wet im pretty much screwed. anw, it cost me 70 bucks and i like it alot. so if you have smt not nice to say abt it, save it.

NDP today was wooooaaaahh!! the process of getting into the seating area is long and complicated, so lets not go into the details. the display and everything was super cool! really different seeing it live. They've improved alotalot since i last saw it in p5 (sorry lah, ppl very sad life de). and the goodie bag was totally packed with nice stuff like... the singapore flag! And alot of food =D
The firework display was the best lah, ok, i think the military display oso not bad. Its a close fight lah, cos this year the entire concept is brilliant. So it depends on whether you value creativity more than beauty.

Ok, tml got class gems. gonna watch UP and then play pool followed by dinner! Going swimming in the morning, so need to sleep early.
ps: addicted to facebook poker now. (of all the things..)

Squeaks` @* 12:45 AM

Thursday, August 6, 2009

School life is dragging on as usual. I have no idea how many weeks it is to promos, but I suppose I should start mugging now. a CCDEE is definitely not going to get me the two H3s.

Actually I feel very scared and jittery just typing out what I hope to achieve this year. Its like -- if I dun get a single H3, then its doubly depressing cos I blogged abt it.

Lots of work to do, no time to do it. Tomorrow's NDP celebration. Hope after that I can get things done! =)To inspire myself, I am going to put a list of things I should do tomorrow

In no order of importance:
1) Math tutorials (test on tuesday)
2) History Cold War and Jap occupation notes (super lot, gonna dieee)
3) Econs National Income Determination

ok, just three things. I'll be VERY proud of myself if I get them done. Jiayou Jason!!!

On a separate note, I miss band. Like band band. Not band. Band.

Squeaks` @* 11:06 PM