islenska 06.07.06 ______Here Comes MICKEY`!
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Friday, November 6, 2009

I've moved!

cya there!

Squeaks` @* 7:15 PM

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Woonie!!!!

yup, it's woon chuan's birthday today! XDD dunno why i get so much kick calling him that. anw, we went to new york new york to eat just now, and it was quite nice! =)

the seafood platter came in a humongous plate, but then the stuff on it werent really alot. the crab was positively tiny, and i had so much difficulty trying to pry its legs open to eat its flesh ><>turgid for some weird reason. i prefer chilli crab any day man.

today was an.. ahem, uneventful day due to several reasons. there was PE and then econs lecture. apparently the econs lecturer screamed the lt down cos only 3 ppl frm my class were there. =( how unfortunate. ..

been feeling super tired these days, and i dont even know why. hope there isnt prac on sat/ its in the afternoon cos i really really need to sleep. JC law programme's probably gonna clash with some pracs right before the concert (its 28th, dammit) so hopefully tianhui can schedule them at night so i can actually make it for some pracs!

Squeaks` @* 11:39 PM

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

hello everyone, i've decided to blog again!
promos results are out, and they're kinda depressing, considering how much i think i mugged ><
BCCCD. technically i cant even take H3 cos my msg is too high. gonna appeal and hope for the best :x

on the upside, i got selected for the JC law programme!!! =DD yayy!! i just found out an hour ago, and its definitely a pleasant surprise! the results were supposed to come out before 10th nov, so its abit sooner than expected. kinda makes up for not being able to get into TAG.

past few days qualify as some of the worse days of my life. food and sleep deprivation. ><>

not going to rant on and on abt the wr, since we're (FINALLY!) done with it. school life seems very eventful all of a sudden. promos, wr, op. then strings and band concert. which reminds me, the jc law programme will prolly clash with some of the pracs which means i'll get even lesser time to prac. and suck worse.

life's like that.

Squeaks` @* 10:42 PM

Monday, October 5, 2009

Promos are in town!!

Okay, so first day of promos was today! =) what a joyous occasion! effectively 4 days left to freedom! Counting down to the last day is basically what keeps me going. I try not to think about the PW OP and whatever shit that comes after Promos though >< the school is trying to kill us, I swear. But enough about that.

As I was saying, today was the first day of promos. GP paper 1 was.. okay i guess. Wrote on evolution (again) but i could have written out of point. I always get this feeling that everything i write is out of point, but then again, it wont be my first time. Pretty much wrote every single essay out of point this year, except the first practice essay and one other time :( I'm surprised im not like last in cohort for GP or smt. Paper 2 was a disaster. I swear its because those HP kids are too smart so the GP department decided to kill us once and for all to show us who's boss. Great job boss.

Lit was... ARGHHHH!!!!! page 34 never come out!!! pretty much the whole of my class tio stun when we saw the extract. it was like page 31-32, about the stupid dumb moronic convent! well, i guess everyone knows the result of spotting, or rather, spotting wrongly. "Good luck, Jason" I see what he meant. "Thank you, Mr Wong"

Ms Kumar was sick today. Guess I'll never see my hist papers again. Byebye history test. :(
when i dont wanna see them, tchrs insist on giving them back. Now that I really DO wanna see them, guess what happens?

Econs tml. Jiayou!!!!!!!!!!
gotta go read all the model essays our dear mrs lim put on smb! :)

Squeaks` @* 9:21 PM

Sunday, August 23, 2009

ok, its about 10 pm now, and i have three tests this week, starting tomorrow.
guess i should start panicking just about right now.
Econs Math and History
in order of tests.
studies suck. feel like choosing the simplest way out and just pon sch, dun do tests.
teachers wont say a thing, considering i've been a good boy this year.
but then again, i shouldnt start being a loser now. not after a whole 8 months of non-escapism.

school hasnt been as fun as i think it could have been.
i sense factionalism in the air.
issue after issue, they just keep coming.
how am i supposed to pretend i dont know?
the least i expected you to do was to actually DO SOMETHING abt it.
what have you done?

and im irritated with someone!
what on earth is wrong with you!!!
stupid slacker
tell you something from the start of the year until now
cant even get smt so simple done
admin stuff only leh, oso cannot do
then come and waste people's money by being dumb

=)i feel like a bitch. but at least i've gotten it off my chest, and nobody knows who im talking abt. so its win-win-win !

time for econs!

Squeaks` @* 9:54 PM